Peter Strak-Rogers || Fieldtrip And Secrets

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Deadpool / Stony


-3 Person POV-

Peter and his science class were all in the bus on their way to the Stark Tower better known as his home. Everything went just so fast. One moment he is in his classroom and the second one he is on his way home with his class.

''Hey Peter, do you think we will get to see the Avengers.'' Ned asked with a little bit too much enthusiasm for his liking. Ned doesn't know about him being a Stark-Rogers. Nobody except for the Avengers, Pepper and SHIELD does, but he does know about him being Spider-Man.

''I hope not...'' peter mumbled under his breath. Ned gave him a strange look, he knows that Peter knows the Avengers, but why does he not want them to see them? ''Why so down, at least we have no classes today. We were going to have two hours biology today.'' They both cringed at the idea of having that teacher for two whole hours.

''Yes, but what if people will find our or worst, they will embarrass me in front of our class!'' Ned put his hand on Peter's shoulder and gave him a small smile. They rest of the ride there was a comforting silence between the two. While Ned was thinking about all the awesome things that can happen Peter was thinking of a plan to avoid his family.


They arrive at the compound and get out of the bus. The teacher and class except for Peter were staring at the tall building in amazement. Ms. Brown snapped out of her state of shock and leads the class inside and walks to the reception.

''Hallo, we're from Midtown High and we were supposed to have a tour.'' Ms. Brown tells Sarah the receptionist. She types something on her computer and then looks back at the nervous teacher with a smile. ''Yes, your tour guide will be here any minute. She is running late because there was a small incident at one of the labs. I hope you will enjoy your tour.'' Ms. Brown nods and says thank you before returning to her class and wait.

Not long after a girl came running out of the elevator and to the reception. She talks to Sarah for a little and she gives her the badges for the tour group. ''Are you Midtown High?'' ''Yes.''

''Sorry that I was late. I had to take care of something urgent just now. Okay, everyone my name is Kimberley, but please call me Kim. If you will follow me to the gate, then I can explain to you how the badges work.'' Kim explained. Everyone followed her as fast as possible wanting to stand in the front except for Peter of course.

Peter, Ned and MJ were at the back of the group. Peter still didn't feel sure about this trip but calmed down a little bit after his talk with Ned. He looked at the badges in Kim's hand and realized that his class were going to find out about his higher-level badge. ''These are you're badges to enter the gates behind me. After the tour you're allowed to keep them because the moment that you leave the building or after 12 hours you won't be able to enter again. So, don't try it. I will be calling your names and you can get your badge here.'' She explains and started calling names. When everyone got his badge Flash just had to notice that he didn't get one. ''Miss, Parker didn't get one.'' Kim looks at were Flash was pointing and she sees Peter standing there. Her smile grew bigger and her day became 10 times better. She was good friend with him, they met once in the lab after she almost blow the lab up if it wasn't for Peter. ''Hey Pete, I didn't know that you were coming. Did you bring your badge?''

Peter nods and pulls his black badge out of his bag. ''Does anyone else have questions?'' Kim asks and luckily for her there is only one.

''What do the collars mean?'' A girl with long black hair asks. ''Excellent question. There are omega, delta, beta and alpha badges and each one has a level from 1 to 5 depending from how important their tasks/jobs are. The lowest is omega and has a white color. Those are for guest like you. Your level 1 tour group, but omega is also for journalists and when business man or woman that come to the tower. Delta is purple and is for secretaries, tour guides and a few other jobs. Then we have beta, like me. Beta is red and is for scientists and interns. And lastly, we have Alpha which is black. Level 1 is security. Level 2 is friends and family of the avengers. Level 3 is for SCHIELD related agent and people. Level 4 is the Avengers and Ms. Potts. Level 5 is for Mr. Stark, Mr. Rogers and one unknown person. You can figure out what level somebody is based on the number of stripes on the card for example I'm a tour guide and an intern, me being an intern gives me a higher badge than a tour guide, so I have beta level 3. So, a red card with 3 white lines. You guys are a tour group so you're omega level 1. So, a white card with 1 black line. I think you guys get the point.''

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