Peter Stark || I Love Him (1/2)

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Idea: sian981 

Pepperony / Spideypool


-3 Person POV-

Peter was sitting in the lab with his father, Tony Stark, while working on a new project for his Spider-Man suit. Tony was working on a new protocol for Peter's suit, because there can never be enough protocols if it is about his selfless son. One-time Peter came home from patrol and didn't tell them about a stab wound that he got, Pepper scrolled Peter about telling them when something happens or no more Spider-Man, but Peter still doesn't tell them. Meaning that he must make more protocols for him.

Peter's phone vibrates notifying that he has gotten a massage and takes his phone to take a look. It was MJ. She wanted to inform him that the decathlon meeting was moved from the Monday to the Wednesday. He replays with a thump up and puts his phone down ignoring the look that Tony was giving him. ''Who was that?'' Tony asks Peter. ''MJ.'' Peter mumbles knowing what was coming next.

''MJ, you say, lovely girl. How is she? She hasn't visited in a while, problems in paradise. You know if you need advice you know where to find me.'' Tony winked at his son. Peter froze when his dad was done talking but tried to hide it as soon as he notices that he did so and succeeded. ''She is just a friend, dad.'' Tony hums before continuing the subject. ''That's what they all say, Petey.''


All the Avengers and Pepper were sitting in the living room. Everyone was simply just talking with one another while eating some snacks like chips, poptarts and chocolate chip cookies. Peter was talking with his mom, Pepper Potts-Stark, over what Peter had learned at school and how work was for Pepper. Tony was talking to Bruce, Steve to Thor and Natasha was talking to Clint. It was a nice moment. Did you see how I said was. Peter's phone vibrated once again and went to grab it from the table were Natasha and Clint were talking, but before he could Clint took his phone and read the massage. A smug smile made it to the archers' face and Peter was almost scared of what is coming next.

''Does our little Spider-Boy have a lover. Who is the lucky girl? The contact name is 'Amor Mio❤🥞'.'' Clint says while running away from Peter who is trying to get his phone back. ''I bet it is MJ.'' Tony says. ''Amor Mio, that is so cute.'' Pepper comments.

The more they talked the more Peter's heard broke. They think that it is MJ, but they were just friends and it will always be like that. Nobody except for Ned and MJ know this, but Peter is gay and that is the main reason why a relation ship with MJ just wouldn't work. Instead Amor Mio was the contact name of his current boyfriend, Wade Wilson aka Deadpool. Peter doesn't know what his family things of LBGT and he knew that they didn't like Deadpool, because he kills people for money, but Peter loved him, and he loves Peter. Isn't that enough?''

''Clint give me back my phone or I will break all your bows and arrows!'' Peter yells at Clint, but to no avail he keeps running. Peter stops running and activates his web shooters. He aims them at his phone, shoots and with a hard tug he had his phone in his hand. He turns around and walks to his phone without speaking to any of the people in the room. The Avengers and Pepper are confused by the sudden change of mood.

Peter let's himself fall on his bad and unlocked his phone to talk to Wade.

Amor Mio❤🥞:
Want to come over tomorrow Petey-Pie?

Mi Cielito🕸❤:
I would love to.
Can we talk?

Amor Mio❤🥞:
Aren't we already talking?
Did something happen?

Mi Cielito🕸❤:
The usual. They keep thinking that I'm dating MJ and it frustrates me so much that at some point I just want to scream at them that I'm dating you.
It's just.
I'm so scared of what they will think of me.

Amor Mio❤🥞:
Don't worry Peter.
They love you, nothing bad will happen. And if it doesn't end well you can live with me.
I wouldn't mind getting cuddles and kisses before every morning and night. Waking up with my little angle in my arms.

Mi Cielito🕸❤:
That sound nice.
I will tell them tonight after dinner.

Amor Mio❤🥞:

Mi Cielito🕸❤:
I promise.
How are you? I miss you sooooooooooooooo much.

Amor Mio❤🥞:
I miss u to. I'm great.
I just made some soft delicate pancakes.

Peter and Wade chatted for the rest of the day until Steve told him that dinner was ready. Peter walked out of his room and to the dinner room where he already sees averyone sitting and getting food on there plates. He took a deep breath and took his seat on the dinner table between Tony and Natasha. They all chattered with each other over anything that came to mind. The only thing that nobody talked about is about what happened earlier that day with Peter and his phone.

Everyone was done eating dinner and Pepper asked who wanted dessert, but before anyone could answer Peter changed the subject. ''I have to confess something.'' Pepper sits back down, and the other look rather confused at the young hero. ''It's about what happened this evening...'' ''You got emotional. That can happen to all of us. It's okay.'' ''Please let me finish, dad.'' Tony nods his head, and nobody talked for a second before Peter continued. ''For starters I wanted to apologize for my outburst, I just felt so frustrated. You guys keep telling me to date MJ and tease me about her, even true we aren't even dating.'' A tear escapes Peter's brown eyes and they were feeling guilty that they made him feel like that. Peter takes a shaky breath before speaking again. ''Amor Mio, it means 'My Love' in Spanish. We met a little over a year ago. I had never really felt connected to anybody like that before. At the start we talked a lot not thing romantic, it was like being with a close friend. You know that type that you could tell anything, and you will know that they will listen and won't judge you. It didn't take long before we went from friends to lovers. I didn't want to tell you about me dating, because I knew that you guy wouldn't approve.''

''Peter. What are you trying to say?'' Pepper asked her son. ''I'm... I...'' Tony puts a hand on Peter shoulder. Peter closes his eyes while taking a deep breath before telling them the truth. ''I'm gay.''

Pepper got up from her chair and pulled Peter into a hug while telling him that everything is okay and that nothing will change. Tony kept his hand on Peter shoulder and put his other hand on Peter's cheek to wipe the stand tears away. The trio parted after a minute or two. They all talked some more before the second task came what he was not completely sure about how to answer. ''Why does nobody ask who the guy is that makes our little spider happy?'' Clint asks and they all turn to Peter to tell them. I mean how bad could it possibly be?

''I will tell you just don't freak out.'' They are a few nods and okays before Peter answers. ''His name is Wade Wilson.'' Tony eyes opened wide and Pepper looked confused at him. ''Your dating Deadpool!? No way young man. I won't allow you to date that Merc with a Mouth. Peter, he kills people for money. You know that right. He is a psychopath what are you thinking.''

''Dad, give him a chance, please.'' Peter tried reasoning with his father. ''And why would I do that?'' ''Because I love him!'' Peter yells and Tony takes a good look at his son. He looks mad, sad, frustrated and was making direct eye contact with him. Peter's eyes were big, and they were turning glossy. Tony's heart broke at the sight in front of him. ''Look kid. Wilson had done a lot of bad things and I'm scared that something will happen to you. You are my son, Peter. I care about more than you probably thing.''

''I know that dad, but for me give him one chance. Please...'' Peter at this point was crying again and Tony looked at Pepper for advice. Pepper gave him a nod to tell him to give Wade a chance for Peter's sake and the Avengers were silent looking at how it will play out. They all knew Deadpool and can't see why Peter loves him, but they also know that he would be able to help and protect Peter. Tony looks from his wife to his son. ''Okay. I will give him one chance, but if he does something, I will personally kill him.''

Peter places his arms around Tony and Tony does the same.

Mi cielito = my little heaven/my little sky (Spanish)
Amor Mio = my love (Spanish)

Word Count: 1513

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