Peter Parker || The Missing Prince (2/2)

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Requested by: killerrm (Sorry that it took so long to update. I'm going to be honest, it was though thinking about what I was going to write. I think it isn't to bad. I hope you will think the same way.)


-3 person POV-

It has been 10 hours since Peter was rescued from the SNAKE by the Avengers and 6 hours since he first woke up. Right now, Peter was lying awake in the medical section of Tony's yet while the others are chatting with the others. He was thinking about all the things that have happened and what the future could possibly look like for him now. The Avengers know about his royal status and is worried that they will treat him different now and how is he supposed to explain all of this to his parents. They didn't know about him being the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man or him being an Avenger. He has a lot of explaining to do when his parents discover this secret...

They almost arrived at the airport when Natasha decided to wake Peter up, not knowing that he was already awake. When she walked into the room, she saw that Peter was looking at the ceiling which caused her to get a soft smile for the young prince. ''Looks like you're already awake. I came to tell you that we are going to land soon, and you should get ready.'' Peter looked at Natasha and gave a small nod.

''How are you, Peter?'' She asks seeing how Peter is acting. ''I'm fine.'' Peter mumbled and Natasha gives him a stern look. ''I was just thinking. You don't have to worry, I know that everything will be okay.'' Peter tried to convince her, and Natasha dropped the subject not knowing what he when through but understanding that he needs his space for the time being.

Natasha leaves the room and returns to her seat. Peter on the other hand started to make himself ready for the landing. Once he was done, he leaves the medical room and walks to where the other Avengers are and takes a seat in the chair beside Tony and in front of Bucky and Steve.

Once the plane lands at the Heathrow Airport it was a short trip of 30 minutes till, they arrived at the big mansion. All the Avengers where star stuck, even Tony who could easily buy a house this size. The mansion itself was pretty old, but you wouldn't be able to tell from the outside.

Peter release a shaky breath after seeing the mansion. It has been so long since the last time he has been home. Officially the royal family lives in the royal castle, but his parents preferred to live somewhere smaller and that is why they live in in this mansion. Peter walks up to the big black gate and starts to fill in the code and puts his hand on the hand scan. The big gate opens, and the heroes enter the property.

-Peter POV-

The guards open the door of the entrance and the Avenger and I walk inside the foresentence. I take a second to look around and I'm not surprised that there hasn't been a single thing changed.

''It's good to see that you have returned your highness.'' I turn to the door the leads to the main hallway and see Leo, our head butler, walking up to us.

''How many times do I have to tell you to call me Peter, Leo.'' I tell him for who how many times. It doesn't matter how many times I tell him to call me by my first name, he just won't do it. ''Yes, your highness.'' Leo says with a found smile. ''Now you understand how I feel when you keep calling me 'Mr. Stark'.'' I hear Mr. Stark mumble.

''Your parents have been informed about your arrival and request your presence in the living room.'' Leo tells me. ''Okay, thank you for informing me.'' I tell him before I lead the team to where my parents were waiting for me. It was a short walk of 2 minutes before we arrive at the entrance of the living room and I push open the door without a second though, completely forgetting about the people who I was walking with and walk up to my parent who haven't noticed my presence just yet. When I was only a few meter way from them my mom seems to notice me. She stands up from the couch and walks up to me before she pulls me into a bone crushing hug. Neither of us say anything and we just enjoy the feeling of each other after being separated for so long. I feel a hand places on my shoulder, looking up I see that my dad walked over and put a hand on my shoulder and my mom's lower back.

When we let go off eachother I remembered that there were other people in the room. I turn to my team mates and they walk over to where I was standing with my parents. They seemed a little tense and nervous what confused me before I remember that they were about to meet a king and a Queen, but still they are also my parents. They shouldn't be so nervous.

''If it isn't the Avengers. I have heard many great thinks about you on the news and from my son here. It's an honor meeting to finally get to meet all of you.'' My dad says and I can see the team look surprised. ''I think that I can speak for all of us that it's a bigger honor for us to meet you, your Majesty, the King and her Majesty, the Queen.'' Tony says while making a small bow with his head.

''Please, call my Mary and my husband Richard.'' Mom tells the team and they nod their heads. She turns back to me and puts her hand over my still bruised cheek and gives him a him a sorry look. She is angry at herself that she couldn't prevent this from happening. ''I wanted to ask, why did you save Peter? Don't misunderstand I'm very grateful, but with what motive did you decide to do it. Peter's identity as Prince was hidden.'' My dad asks and the Avengers looked over at me, not knowing what to say.

''Dad, a lot has happened since I moved to Amerika and I haven't been complete honest to all of you.'' All of them are now looking at me, not expecting that from me. I have never lied to them about anything and for me to keep a secret so big that I haven't told anybody about it. I sign and told them to take a seat on the couch so that I can start explaining everything from the very start.

There is a secret within the royal family. For generations now the children of the royal family received powers that normal people would dream of or write about in books. This secret was kept within the Royal family and their loyal servants. My mom for example can so pieces of the future while my dad has telekinesis what has been very common powers in our family. Me on the other hand isn't common at all. My powers are called weapon master, what means that I can summon any weapon that I want and will be able to use it like I have been training with it for my whole live even through I might have never even touch it before. When I moved to Amerika, I was assigned two body guards, agent Ben and agent May. To outsiders they are my aunt and uncle, but they are actually MI7 and CIA agents hired to protect me. When I gained my spider powers, I didn't know what to do. The spider bite was supposed to kill me, but thanks to my power I was able to survive. The day that Ben died in an accident I realized how the world really worked and I wanted to do something to make it better even if it was only a little bit. That is why I became Spider-Man and how I met Mr. Stark and how I became a part of the Avengers.

When I was done explaining everything I was bombed with questions. The loud noise became unbearable and I cover my ears with my hand while I close my eyes to try and calm down. Tony seems to notice what was happening and tells everyone to quiet down. My parents looked powerless at me, not understanding what was happening, while Mr. Stark sits in front of me on one knee. I can hear him whisper calming words to me and I started to calm down little by little. At some point everything went back to normal, but I feel my eyes close again before everything turns black.

-Tony POV-

When I notice Peter covering his ears with his hand, I immediately understood that he was having a sensory overload. I tell everyone to quiet down and I sit down in front of Peter. I try talking to him as quiet as I possibly could so that he would be able to understand me and calm down. It didn't take him long to relax his body and I ques stop the sensory overload. I see his eyes roll back and starts to collapse in my direction. I catch him and support him with my body. Placing his arm around my neck and putting my arm under his legs I carry him to an empty couch where he could lay down.

''What is going on?'' I could hear Peter's mom ask and I hear Steve explain to them what has happened while I stay by Peter. After I know for sure that he is fine I return to where I previously sat with Clint and the team and I continue talking to Richard and Mary over Peter and what has happened since we met him and to make sure that they know that we will be looking out for their son and our little spider.

Word Count: 1659
Total Words: 3659

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