Peter Stark || Actor (2/2)

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-3 Person POV-

It has been 3 months since the Avengers and Pepper found out about Peter's secret and a lot has change. For starters Peter doesn't have to lie or sneak out of the tower anymore when he needed to be somewhere for a shoot or interview, but they have also helped him when he was learning new lines or when there will be new auditions. Peter couldn't be happier at this point. There's just one ting that he still had to do and that was revealing to the word about him being Peter Stark and Spider-Man. Peter had a talk with Tony and Pepper about him being old enough to tell the world about himself. Pepper was happy that her son wanted to tell the world about himself Tony on the other hand was a little hesitated. Peter might be 16 now, but he will always be a little boy that he needs to protect, his little boy.

They started planning how they were going to tell people. Pepper had suggested to hold a press conference, but Peter and Tony didn't thing that it was a good idea, because he was not only going to reveal Spider-Man's identity, but also Tom Holland's. In the end they decided to do it in one of Peter's interviews.

After panning and preparing for weeks it was the day of the interview. Peter decided to do the big reveal on 'Jimmy Kimmel Live!' an American late-night talk show. Peter told his manager to make sure that they know that he will be bringing some people, but not who. Not even his agency knows about his parents so they will also be in a shock when his family come.

Peter will be coming on stage have a small talk with Jimmy and then we will tell his family to come on the stage and introduce himself as Peter Stark. After some more talking they will play a game and in the end, he will reveal his identity as Spider-Man and to end it they will talk a little more.

-Peter POV-

It is the day of truth and I'm very nervous. What if something goes wrong? What if I do something wrong? Is this really the right choice...? No, I shouldn't be thinking like this. Everything will be fine, nobody will get hurt and I don't have to watch what I say to try and not reveal my identity, I can be myself.

''How are feeling, Kiddo?'' I turn around and see my dad standing by the door of my room. He gives me a soft smile and I return it. ''A little nervous to be honest, but I know that I will be fine. It's not the first time that I will be talking to so many people you know.'' I say trying to lift the mood a little. Dad looks down and laughs a little at what I said. He looked back up and walk over to my bed and sits down on it. He makes a hand gesture for me to sit with him and I take a seat beside him. Dragging an arm over my shoulder he pulls me closer to him, before he hugs me and pulls me down to lie down and cuddle.

''I know you have Peter, you aren't the only one who speaks for big audiences you know, I do know the difference between now and all those other times. Having to tell something that is going to influent the why they are going to think and act around you is scary. Not being able to predict what the future is going to give you and the people that are closest to you.'' Dad stops talking and takes a deep breath and lifts my head so that I'm looking him in the eye. ''Promise me that you will never forget that we will always have you're back. Not just me or Pepper, I'm mean all the Avengers. Can you promise me that?'' I had small tears going down my cheek and gave Tony a small nod. ''Yes dad, I won't forget.''


My manager had picket me up and took us to the film studio from the 'Jimmy Kimmel live!' show. I went to my dressing room to prepare and to calm down. When I got the signal that we are going to start soon I walk out of the dressing room and look beside the door were soon won't be standing Tom Holland, but Peter Stark. I look away from the sign and walk to my instructed location where I must wait till, I get a signal that I can go on stage.

''...and as for today's guest. He might be a young, but don't underestimate him for his age. He played in lots of movies and won even more awards. The man that is a master of secrets. Give me a warm welcome for, Tom Holland.'' I walk up to the stage with a big smile and great Jimmy before he tells me to take a seat. 

''How are you, Tom?'' He asks me. ''Everything has been great. After I was done with the shoot of 'The Last City of Z' I have had the opportunity to spend a lot of time with my family. I really missed that.''

''That's great to hear. How was it filming the movie? You were one of the youngest actors in the movie, weren't you?'' ''I mean, it wasn't the first time that I was one of the younger actors in the movie, but it was amazing. Being able to work with the legends themselves is just a one of a lifetime opportunity for new and young actors. I learned a lot of them, and it still surprises me how nice they can be to somebody like me.''

''Are there any future project that you have you're eyes on or are working on?'' ''Maybe there is maybe there isn't. I'm trying to follow the rules and not give away any spoilers.'' I try to defend myself. ''So, you're working on something.'' I raise my hands. ''Your words, not mine.'' Jimmy laughs and asks the next question.

''A little bird told me that you wanted to invite some people with you tonight. If you would like to tell us who it is so that we can ask them to join us on stage, okay?'' It's now or nothing.

''As you know, there is only a limited a mound of information about me public. I have been having the idea for a while now to introduce my family to the public and a little detail that I haven't told anybody about yet.''

''Want to tell the small detail first or your family first?'' I make a thinking face before answering him. ''I think that it is easier if I tell you the detail first. You see, Tom Holland is not my real name.''

''We didn't know that yet. That means that I can't call you Tom anymore now does it...''

''Peter. My real name is Peter. I won't tell you my last name just yet.''

''It is nice to meet you Peter. As for the second part I would like you all to welcome Peter's family to the stage.'' The audience started to clap and whistle, they weren't expecting to finally meet Peter's family. The Avengers in full uniform and Pepper came into view and they were shock that is for sure. Dad sits me then mom and Natasha and the other sit behind us. ''This is my family. Let me introduce them to you. You probably already know them, but you will understand in the end. Behind me we have my uncles Steve Rogers aka Captain America, Clint Barton aka Hawkeye and Bruce Banner aka The Hulk. On the end of my right we have my aunt Natasha Romanoff aka Black Widow beside her we have Pepper Stark-Potts my mom and beside me is Tony Stark aka Iron Man my dad. You might have guessed it, but my name is Peter Stark.'' When I was done explaining it took Jimmy a moment to compose himself and ask a new question.

''Wow. I'm going to be completely honest with you I wasn't expecting you to be a Stark at all Peter. Do you want to tell us why you are sharing this with us now?''

''As you might know I'm 16 right now and I think that I'm old enough to share this with you now. The number one reason why I got the fake name Tom Holland was because nobody knew about Peter Stark, they only knew about Peter Parker another name that I use to hide who I was and secondly because my family didn't know that I was an actor. They only found out about it 3 months ago.''

''You are telling me that you were able to hide the fact that you were an actor form agents, assassins and geniuses for years. How did they find out?''

''Friday is movie night and it was uncle Steve's turn to choose a movie and he chose 'The Last City of Z' and I think you can image what happened after that yourselves.''

''any other secrets that we must know about, Peter?''

''There is one...'' I look at my dad and he give me a small nod and smile. All the people were looking at me with curious eyes and I take a deep breath. ''I'm Spider-Man.''

I had a whole plan for what I was going to put in it, but it was going to be to long if I did ad all of the idea's that I had. Still I hope you like the second part.

Words: 1558
Total words: 2889

Update goal: 110 reads

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