Peter Barnes || The Lost & Found (2/2)

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-Peter POV-

Ever since I was young, I have been different than other kids my age. Never knew my parents. I don't know what their names are. I don't know what they look like. I don't know why they gave me away. Was I not good enough for them? Were they in trouble when they got? I feel like I will never know. Since they didn't raise me, I have been in a Russian orphan. When I was five the orphan was shut down by the government and I was moved to an American orphan in New York and I have been there till I was 14. I don't know why I had to go from Russia to Amerika, but I was to young to question it. In Kinder Garden all the kids would look at me like I was from another planet or something, because of my eyes.

My right eyes are an amber brown and my left eye is a grey color. People call me a freak, but I don't care I think that they are beautiful, and they make me unique. That were my thought when I was young at least. Now I just want to hide them from the world. I don't like to stand out and they aren't really helping me. Nowadays I always wear brown color contacts, except when I'm at Stark Industries, because Tony ever since he adopted me and found out about them.

Tony adopting me was one of the best moments in my whole life. I could finally call something home. I was never adopted before so I had no experience with the concept before. You would think that when Tony adopted me that he would become like a father figure to me, but he didn't. He was more like an uncle.

I enter the Stark Tower and walk to the private elevator and tell FRIDAY were to take me. When we reached the penthouse, I walked straight to my room and put my school stuff away and look my color contacts out. ''FRIDAY is Tony in the lab?'' At the start I called him Mr. Stark, but he threatened to take my suit away if I kept on calling him that. ''Yes, boss is working in his private lab since this morning.'' FRIDAY answers and I nods head and thank her. I go back to the elevator and when to the floor were Tony and I's privet labs were. When you step out of the elevator you walk into a big hallway with glass walls and a stone floor and on the end of the hallway there are two doors with security locks. The right glass door is to Tony's lab and the left glass door with black web stickers is mine.

I walk into Tony's lab and see him working on a new Iron Man suit. ''Hey, uncle Tony! Can I help you?'' I asked him with big eyes knowing that he can't say no when I use them. ''You know the rules, first homework and then working in the lab. Did you finish?'' Tony asked when he turned around in his chair with a cup of coffee in his hand. ''We didn't get any homework.'' I told him and he smiles. ''Then I see no problem with you helping.'' He takes a tablet of the table and gives it to me. ''Can you help me design that?''

''Sure.'' I say happily that I could help. I look at the project and see a new design for my web shooters and a metal arm? ''Uncle Tony, why are we making a metal arm?'' He signs and doesn't look at me. ''You weren't supposed to see that kid. You remember 2 months ago in Germany when we fought team Captain? After we figured out what was really happening and did some more resurge, they did nothing wrong, except for not signing of course. They are coming back to the tower around dinner time and they will live with us.'' I wasn't completely sure how to feel about them coming back to the tower and live here, but it's not good to hold a grudge for something that happened in the past. Everyone deserves a second chance after all

''Can I meet them?'' I ask him like it was a completely normal thing to ask. ''You want to meet them? I expected you to be angry or avoid them at all cost, but not to meet them. You can meet them if you stay with me the whole time. At least until I know that they won't do anything. Deal?''

''Deal.'' Tony finished working on the suit while I made some changes for the metal arm, that is probably for the Winter Soldier, Bucky Barnes. I was thinking about using vibranium, because it's stronger and lighter. I also change the design so that he should be easier to move around, I remember in Germany that he would mostly punch. Now it should be easier to use weapons like knives fast and to do daily tasks.

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