Peter Rogers || Great Grandson (1/2)

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-3 Person POV-

Steve Rogers better known as Captain America wasn't sure how to feel on these type of days. Days were he felt as if he was all alone and nobody that would be able to understand him. Of course the other Avengers were by his said, but still. Sometimes he just hoped that he had something for himself. Like Clint has Laura and his children.


Peter didn't know what he was suppose to do. A few months ago aunt May died from cancer and now he is in an orphan. He is 16 years old right now and he knows very well that nobody would adopt a 16 year old boy, they would rather choose a younger child around 10 or younger, but he doesn't mind. After all we doesn't want to get attached to them and then something happens to them. He can't go through that again. Not again.

When an orphan turns 18 years old he is allowed to go live on his own, so Peter has to wait only 2 more years before he can leave the orphan.

Peter is at school right now listening to music. Ned and MJ aren't in his Spanish class and they were allowed to do what ever they wanted to do as long as they were quite. He was just skipping through the news when he saw an article, 'Where is Spider Man?'. He pressed on the link and read the article. He hasn't touched his suit ever since the day that aunt May died. He simply didn't see the point in doing so any more.

His uncle Ben used to say that 'with great power comes great responsibility', but how is he suppose to help other when he can't even help himself...

He gets up from his desk when the bell goes and walk out of the classroom to his locker to get his stuff and then go the orphan better known as his 'home'.


It is a peace full day at the Avengers towers. Tony and Bruce are working in the labs, Clint and Thor are at there own homes, Natasha and Bucky are on a mission and Steve in the training room.

''Do you think that there is a possibility that Steve still has a family?'' Tony says without thinking. Bruce looks up from the monitor and at Tony with a raised eyebrow. ''How do you mean?''

''Just think about it. Would it be possible that Steve has any living family left...'' Bruce took a moment to think before he answered. ''It's possible... You can ask FRIDAY to do a blood test for any matches and a background resurge.'' Tony nodded his head and went to his privet lab to do as Bruce suggested.

''FRIDAY can you try and find out if cap has any living family members left?''

''Yes boss, this might take an hour max. I will inform you when I'm done, boss.'' Tony starts to work on his iron man suit while FRIDAY is working on finding information about what Tony asked for.

''Boss, after looking at Mr. Rogers background and a blood test I suspect Mr. Rogers to have a total of one blood related family member to be alive.'' After FRIDAY was done explaining what she found Tony went to the training room and tell Steve about the new discovered news.

The doors of the room open and Tony walks into the room. Steve ignored the sound of the opening door and keeps training. ''Cap, you never guess what I discovered!'' Tony has a big and exited smile on his face which makes Steve confused.

''I was thinking about something and Bruce suggested to do some resurge so I asked FRIDAY to look into it and the you might like the results. We think that you still have one living blood related family member.'' Steve froze, he didn't know if Tony was pranking him again or if this person really exists. ''What? How?''

''Did you do 'it' with Peggy, before you went under?'' Tony asks Steve and he started blushing, understanding what he mend with 'it'. He gives a soft nod in embarrassment and Tony goes back with explaining.

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