Peter Parker || The missing Prince (1/2)

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-3 Person POV-

It has been three days since the last time Spider-Man was seen patrolling through the city and it has been two days since Peter Parker was seen at school by his friends and family. Nobody knew were they were or how they are doing. The Avengers knew about peter's identity as Spider-Man and just like the rest of the world they had no idea where their Little Spider was or if he was okay. Tony had asked FRIDAY to alert them if there was any articles or information about his were being was on the internet that she would alert them.

Tony, Steve, Clint, Natasha, Bruce, Bucky, Thor, Rhodes, Sam, Vision, Wanda, Pepper and Loki were all siting in the living room. They were thinking of a better plan to find peter, because their previous plan was that they surged through the city and that didn't work. ''Isn't there a tracker in Peter's suit? Can we just it to track him down?'' Bucky suggested.

''We already tried that. Peter has the habit of turning the tracker of without me knowing that he did and when we tried to turn it back on FRIDAY said that the tracker doesn't exist meaning that it is probably broken.'' Tony explained. They were all tired, but Tony was worse then the others. He was very close to Peter and he is been staying in the lab for who knows for how long with coffee and not enough sleep to be considered heathy.

''Did you ask his friends when they saw him for the last time?'' Wanda asked. ''Yes, he doesn't have a lot of friends. We asked Ned and MJ if they have seen him, they saw him last on school three days ago. That was the day that he didn't patrol for the first time. So, he probably when missing between his night patrol and when school ended.'' Steve answered with a serious expression.

They were lost and didn't know what to do. They were some of earths greatest heroes and they couldn't even find their teammate. ''Boss, I found a news channel that might be helpful for finding Mr. Parker.'' ''Turn it on FRIDAY.'' A news channel appears on the TV and there is a picture of Peter in right side of the tv.

''This is Prince Peter Parkeres, he is the 16-year-old son of King Richard Parkeres, the King of England. The prince has been reported missing. The royal house hasn't made an official statement yet, but the public suspects that the young prince was taken by the countries oldest rival, King Wang Shu, the King of China. When you have any information about the where being of Prince, please report to the royal palace. This is GNL from London and I bid you a good evening.'' Prince? They were all confused, did they mean like a royal prince!?

''FRIDAY surge Peter Parkeres and tell me everything that you can find about him.'' Tony orders FRIDAY. Most of them are still shocked and confused about the royalty part. Is it possible for their youngest Avengers, their Little Spider, a hero who risks his own life for other to have royal duties and has people to protect him?

''Peter Parkeres also known as Peter Parker is the 16-year-old prince of England. His parents are King Richard Parkeres and Queen Mary Parkeres. He was born on August 10, 2001. Peter Parkeres is known for being kind hearted and takes nothing for granting. He moved at the age of 10 out of London and to America to study and learn about a different culture. When he was 14 years old, he had an accident and gained abilities similar as spiders. Peter is currently an Avengers, attends Midtown High for Science and Technology and is the Crown Prince of England. Source of the information is Peter Parkeres.''

''Why didn't you tell me before and what do you mean with source Peter Parkeres?'' Tony asks in frustration. Did Peter not trust them? Why didn't FRIDAY tell him?

''Mr. Parker told me to only tell when Tony Stark asked information for his real name and to tell what I just told you.'' FRIDAY explained. ''At least we now know what to do to find him.'' Rhodes says before they started planning their new plan.

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