Peter Stark || I Love Him (2/2)

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After multiple request for a part two here it is. It's a little shorter than normal, but the whole chapter is fluff. Hope you enjoy.

I also noticed that we are over 1k votes and almost at 100k reads. Thank you all so much for reading and I will work hard in the future to write more stories.



-3 person POV-

Life has been more peaceful for Peter, since he told his family about his love interest and the person who he is head over heals for. His family accepted him immediately. How could they not? They loved their little spider no matter what.

Since coming out they stopped teasing Peter about MJ now knowing how much it truly hurts the young hero. Along side that came new rules. The most important one, no sleepovers at Wade's or by Peter himself. They really want to give Wade a chance, but Pepper and Tony still wanted to protect their son. Let's be realistic, even if it was another guy they wouldn't have aloud sleepover.

Peter is currently on his way to Wade. They had planned to spend the weekend together, with permission from Tony and Pepper, catching up on how they were doing. Peter has been extremely busy with school and patrolling while Wade had a job out of town. In that time they talked to eachother over facetime and they would message eachother, but that's simply not the same as being right by the others side being able to see and hear and feel eachother presence in the room. To be able to feel the heat from the others skin and feeling that the other is really there.

Peter decided to go to wade right after school. He is still carrying his bag while walking along the semi busy streets. Peter is a little dizzy as he walks in a steady pace. He forgot to take his lunch with him today and didn't eat his breakfast because he overslept. He didn't want to trouble his parents with such a small problem.

Peter enters the apartment building and takes the stairs to Wade's floor. Arriving at a big wooden door he takes the key out of his bag and inserts it into the door. Twisting the key he pushes the door opened and enters the slightly messy room.

''Babe?'' Peter calls out while closing the door behind him and putting his bag down beside the door. Heavy footsteps could be heard through the apartment before an over excited Wade came running through the door.

Wade pulls Peter in a tight hug and Peter smiles at his boyfriends childish behavior. ''Hey Petey-Pie.'' Says Wade with excitement. His boyfriend was finally in his arms after who knows how many days, scrap that weeks. Wade pulls back and starts to inspect Peter from top to bottom. He is very aware of the type of person Peter is and not having seen him for so long worried him sick.

Wade is relieved to see no physical injuries, but the tired and unfocused eyes worried him to the core. He tilts his head in confusion. Peter's heart melts at the sight of his boyfriends confusion, he looks like an oversized puppy.

Wade's expression turned from confused to serious in a matter of seconds. Peter sighs knowing why Wade was looking at him with disapproval. Peter moves his arms from around Wade's back to his shoulders to pull the older male closer to him.

''Don't look like that Wade. Nothing serious happened I forgot to eat my breakfast and lunch. I'm just a little tired and hungry. I'm okay, I promise.'' Peter puts his head on Wade's chest and leans some of his weight for support. Wade is still very worried but knowing what caused it made him a little less tense.

Wade pick Peter up. Peter wraps his legs around Wade's waist and tightens his hold around his shoulders. Wade supports him by wrapping his left arm around his thighs and his right arms against his back. Wade carries Peter to his bedroom and puts him on the freshly washed sheets of his bed. He places a kiss on Peter's forehead and puts a hand on his warm cheek.

''Rest for now. I will go and make you some food and when I come back and see you out this bed their will be consequences, understood baby boy.'' Wade tells Peter and he just nods his head before the elder leave the room to make food.

Wade made a big stack of golden-brown fluffy pancakes with maple syrup on the side. He picks up the big place and goes back to his room. There have been multiple cases where Peter has visited him when not eating enough. Once Peter even almost collapsed.

Wade enters his bedroom and his heart melts at the sign of his adorable boyfriend sleeping. He puts the plate on the nightstand and simply sits on the side of the bed. Peter is laying on his side with the blankets covering half his face. His hands laying beside his head and his legs curled up under the dark blue sheets. Soft breathes were the only thing that could be heard.

Not wanting to wake Peter up he just sits there looking at him. Peter's messy brown hair covers the pillow and one of his eyes. There are traces of dark circles under his eyes, that you wouldn't notice if you weren't looking straight at it. Plump red lips that are slightly open.

Getting an idea Wade slowly puts an arm under Peter and carefully pushes him up. Wade lays down on the bed beside Peter and slowly leads Peter on top of him. Peter starts to stir and Wade stop moving. A few seconds pass till Peter stops moving. Wade wraps an arm around Peter's back and starts to play with his hair.

Wade kept doing so till sleep took over and they cuddled for who know how long.

<<time skip>>

Peter tries to move, but something is keeping him in place. He rubs his eyes with his hands before slowly opening them. At first everything was blurry, but not long after he can see the sleeping face of his boyfriend. He looks around him and sees the big stack of pancakes. Looking back at his boyfriend he sighs. Wade look to peaceful while sleeping.

Peter snuggles into Wade neck and softly whispers 'I love you'. He felt whole. Like nothing could ever hurt him again.

''Aren't you supposed to say that while I'm wake, baby boy?'' Wade teases the younger and Peter's eyes snap open. He thought that Wade was sleeping and couldn't hear him. Feeling a little embarrassed he pushes his face harder against Wade's neck. Wade chuckles and rolls over with Peter still in his arms. Peter who is now covering his face with his hands is now laying under Wade who is smiling at his lovers adorable nature.

''C'mon Petey-Pie, say it again.'' Wade tells Peter. Peter shakes his head.

''Baby boy.'' Wade whispers in Peter's ear. Peter is now bright red and whimpers slightly. Peter mumbles a soft 'I love you' hoping to satisfy the older male, but Wade was enjoying this way to much to stop.

''I couldn't hear you.'' Wade says with a smirk.

''I love you.'' Peter says a little louder.

''Harder and look at me.'' Replays Wade.

''I love you.'' Peter says while moving his hand slightly from his face, but before Peter could hide again, Wade pulls his hands away. He pins them to the side of Peter's face and giver his lover a kiss. Peter kisses immediately back. Feeling Peter kiss back causes Wade to let go of his hands and Peter moves them to around wades neck pulling him closer. The moment was perfect. No distractions and no worries.

Wade pulls away and looks Peter in the eyes. ''I love you too Peter.'' Wade places one last soft kiss on Peter's soft lips before getting off Peter and taking the plate of pancakes of the nightstand.

''They are a little cold, but you should probably eat something.'' Wade offers Peter the pancakes and Peter gratefully takes them and starts eating. While eating Peter offers Wade also some pancakes. Together they eat the whole plate while talking about how they have been doing.

The rest of the day they stayed in bed and just cuddled, before Peter has to leave.

Word Count: 1352
Total Words: 3865

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