Peter Roger-Romanoff Parker || Return of The Lost Souls (1/2)

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-3 person POV-

After the tragic dead of Peter Parker his parents his aunt and uncle took him in and raised him to the wonderful young man that he is today. Unknown to them the future is not as they had expected it to be. Ben Parker died by the hands of a robber which had his finger on the trigger. This moment marked the reason for Peter to start his superhero journey.

After some time, things started to go better for it duo. Peter became the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man and May started to smile more since the sudden dead of her husband, but all the good comes with a price.

May might have started rebuilding her life, but she didn't do it the right way. She started working more and didn't take her time to take a good night of rest. She was the perfect example of a workaholic. One day on her shift she collapsed and fell in a coma. When Peter found out about this he rushed to the hospital, so he can see that his aunt is fine and that they can go home together.

When he got their she was lying in a hospital bed in the middle of a white room. All kinds of tubes where connected to her and a heart monitor showed her slow and steady heartbeat. Peter broke down crying on his knees when the nurse walked in and told him that they weren't sure if his Aunt would ever wake up. His dear Aunt May. His last blood related family was gone and he felt so alone.

Days turned into weeks and May was still in a coma. In the meantime, Peter got adopted by Natasha Romanoff and her boyfriend Steve Rogers. Since Peter became Spider-Man he has worked with Tony Stark and he became a roll model for the young hero and later on he met the rest of the Avengers.

Peter started to feel better again, but for how long will it last this time?

-Peter POV-

I'm sitting in the living room on one of the big couch of the Avengers Tower watching Start Wars. The team is on a mission right now. Normally they let me tack along, but it was a HYDRA mission, so mom and dad didn't want me to go with them and I understand. HYDRA had done a lot of terrible things to a lot of people like Uncle Bucky and dad, so I understand why they told me to stay home this time.

''Peter, the Avengers have returned from their mission.'' FRIDAY tells me and I tank her and rush to where they are. They are finally back. One more day and I would he gone their myself. I mean I understand that missions can take a while, but that doesn't mean that I like it when they leave for 4 days in total.

I arrive in the weapon room where I see everyone put away their weapons and chat with eachother. ''How was the mission?'' I ask, mom and dad turn around to look at me. ''The mission went well. The HYDRA base is eliminated, and all the records are secured in this hard drive. Did you finish you homework?'' Mom asks me. ''Homework? You serious mom, you know that I don't have homework because I finish it at school.'' I say while pouting. "You never know, Peter.'' Mom says with a small smile.

''Hey Bambi, do you want to help me with the files? I know-'' ''No Tony, I don't want Peter to be involved in this mission in anyways and you know that.'' Dad cuts Tony off. You remember that I was very understanding of the fact that I wasn't allowed on the mission? Well I'm not happy that I can't even help with this. I give my dad an annoyed look, I see that his expression softens a little, but he gives me the look that said that there is no point in arguing and I give him a look of defeat.

''I know that you want to help, but I don't want you to be involved in this. Please Peter.'' Dad looked me in the eyes while saying that and I could argue with him. HYDRA left scars by so many people and dad has suffered in multiple ways, but I can't understand why, and I'm really trying to understand how he must feel, but it's better for me to help and be prepared then to hide me away and be vulnerable when the fight begins.

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