Peter Parker || Unfortunate Fieldtrip

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Idea: sian981

-3 Person POV-

Peter and his class were on there way to the destination of there unknown fieldtrip. Everyone was exited that they didn't have any classes today. Peter was one of them. He remembered the fieldtrip to Oscorp, sadly for him it didn't end that well or the fieldtrip to Washington with the Academic Decathlon team, what also didn't end so well if you think about it... Still maybe it won't be that bad. It only happened two times, who knows maybe this time nothing will happen.

Peter was thinking about all the possible places where they could go while Ned, who was sitting beside Peter, is looking outside. He frowns when he notices the all to familiar road that they were driving in and grabs Peters arm and shake him fast. Peter looked confused at Ned. ''Is there something wrong?'' Ned just points at the window and Peter looks outside. Peter looks back at Ned and gives him a confused look. Ned signs.

''Look at where we are driving isn't this route a little to familiar?'' Peter looks outside again and this time he sees what he meant. This was the same route he took to go to his Stark Internship. Peter gives Ned a horrified look and Ned looked at him with sympathy. ''We could be wrong. It could be somewhere ells. Don't lose hope.'' Ned tried to ensure him.

''Okay class, we are almost here. Since you will be able to see the building soon, I will announce were the fieldtrip is. We are having a fieldtrip at Stark Industries!'' The teacher announces. Peter signs and closes his eyes. ''Forget what I just said.'' Ned mumbled.


The school bus stops in front of the multibillion company and the student stand so that they can rush out of the bus and have a better look at the building. The teacher exits the bus first and then the students come rushing out. At the end of the line you can see an exited Ned and a less excited Peter walking. The teacher tells her class to stay by the group and they walk inside to building.

The teacher tells the student to stay here while he goes the reception. The class ignored the teacher but does what they were told. Peter was looking around him while hoping that nobody would see him. He was very nervous for what was going to happen. The chance that something happening is very small, but the thought of the other Avenger finding out about him being here would be worst than being bitten by a spider or having to prevent an elevator of falling.

''You okay, dude?'' Ned asked Peter. He understood that Peter was nervous and all, but it's not like he could do anything about it now. They were already there. ''Yeah, it's just that. What if they find out? What if something happens again?'' Peter started to ramble. ''Don't worry we are at Stark Industries. The home of Iron Man and the Avengers.''

''Okay fine, but what about my identity. You don't know how they act around me. What if they accidently call me by my nickname and they will find out or humiliate me because of what happened last week.'' Peter explained. ''What happened last week?''

''Shuri came to visit the tower and we might have pranked them a little...'' Peter was rubbing the back of his neck while looking at his feet. ''You pranked the Avengers. Worlds mightiest heroes and you didn't tell me. Your best friends and man in the chair. I feel offended.'' Peter smiled at his friend's silliness, lifting his worries within a second. ''Sorry, I forget. You're probably right. Maybe they don't even know about the fieldtrip and I'm worrying about nothing.'' ''And you can proof to Flash that you really have a stark internship.'' Peter nods his head a little but made no comment.

The teacher came back with a male person who was holding a stack of badges in his right hand and a tablet in left. ''Everyone come here. This is our tour guide and I want you to treat him with respect.''

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