Peter Parker || Venom (2/2)

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-3 Person POV-

It has been a week since Peter and Venom found out about the fact that the government is looking for Venom and they have been very careful since then. Peter has been going out as Spider-Man less and Venom would take control more often since Venoms true form is more powerful then the suit that he makes for Peter when he goes out. They were almost caught for a few times and that causes them to take less brakes when they are out.

Peter was sitting by his desk working on a new program for his phone. May wasn't home because they have a meeting for the Salvation Army. Venom was eating his whole chocolate stack while looking at what Peter was doing. He has noticed that Peter has been having more stress than normal and can understand why. 16-year-old boy form a normal family, parents die at a young age, share your body with a symbiote, super powers, uncle dies, become a hero and to finish it off having to hid for the government because they want something that is a part of you.

Venom ate the last chocolate bar and puts his head on Peters shoulder while trying to figure out what the young boy was doing. Venom never understood why Peter had to know this and how he can remember all of this. If he had to learn all of this from Peter, he would just eat the book and get s while speech why he shouldn't do it. Peter was grabbing his hair in frustration. How is he supposed to concentrate when his mind keeps going back about all the things that are going on in his life?

''V?'' Peter says while closing his eyes and putting his head in his hands. ''Yeah.'' ''Do you think that they might just stop after a while?'' Peter was desperate for a little peace in his life. His head is just like a battle field. Conflicts, anger, sadness and chaos. Venom can hear what is going through Peter's head even if he doesn't want to and would do anything to help him. ''I don't think they will ever stop just remember that I will never leave you. That is a promise.'' Peter gives a small nod head still in his hand and closes his laptop, he will make the program another time.

''What should we make for Dinner?'' Peter mumbled and started to think about all the options. So many option cheeseburgers, pizza, pasta, Thai, lasagna, pancakes, shawarma, taco, so ''Okay I get it your hungry. Just choose something I'm starting to get a headache.'' Peter makes a sad face and puts his hand over his head while showing his famous puppy dog eye. Venom knew that Peter was joking and would only stop if he apologized. ''I'm sorry for snapping. Happy?'' Peter's face lit up almost immediately and run happily to the kitchen. ''Apologies excepted.''

Peter started making dinner for them while listening to AC/DC. Venom was singing to the song very out of tune and Peter was laughing at how funny it looked. Peter places the pan on the table and Venom happy that he could help Peter forget about everything even if it was just for a little while.

There was a knock on the door and Peter was confused, May wasn't supposed to be home yet, and they weren't expecting anybody to visit this late at night. Peter walk over to the door and opens the door and sees nobody standing there. He starts to close the door when it was pushed open again. ''Run!'' Venom yelled at Peter and he didn't have to ask that twice. Peter throws the door closed with his super strength and runs to his room and locks the door. ''What are you doing? We must get out of here. That door isn't going to stop them.'' Peter starts to panic when Venom was yelling at him and even more when he heard banging at the door.

Peter looks for possible escape tours and the only option he has was the window and that is exactly what he did. He opened window and jumped out of the window and Venom already formed his suit when he did so. Peter wanted to swing because that would be faster, but Venom convinced him not to because they would be easier spotted. Peter ran for a few blocks and stops in an alleyway to catch is breath and to look if anybody has found them. There was nobody in side no agents, no animals and no citizens. Peter stands against the wall and takes a deep breath. What is he supposed to do? They know were they live. They know who he is. They aren't save anymore. What if May comes home and they are there, or the house is a mess? What if they get her?

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