Peter Stark-Rogers || Meningitis

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Idea: sian981 

-3 Person POV-

It has been almost two weeks since peter started feeling ill and hasn't told his fathers about it. He didn't worry to much about it, because he knew that his metabolism would take care of whatever sickness he has, but he has been feeling bad for more than a week and it because worse over time. Maybe it is better to tell them about it, but they have been very busy for quite a while now...

Peter was sitting in the Livingroom with Clint who was playing videogames and Peter was trying to take a little nap. He was been having severe headaches and is more sensible for bright light and loud noises then normal. Peter has a lot of experience with handling bright light and loud noises ever since the spider bite, but it feels different than normal.

''Dinner is done!'' Steve yelled from the kitchen and one by one everyone came to the dinner table in the kitchen. Steve had made his famous spaghetti, and everyone started eating except for Peter, he was pushing the food around of his plate. He has stomachache and he knew that if he ate now that he must vomit later, that thought drove his appetite away. The action also didn't go unnoticed, by the other Avengers who knew about Peter's metabolism.

''Are you okay, Kiddo?'' Tony asked Peter, who has been suspicious about something being wrong for quite a while now. He noticed that Peter had been less energized than normal and now the loss of appetite confirms that something is wrong. ''It's nothing. I'm just not hungry today. Don't worry about it.'' Peter says with a fake smile, trying to assure them that everything is okay, but they can look right through it, but decided to let it slide for now.

The rest of dinner was quiet, and Peter asked if he could be excused for the rest of the night. They had planned to watch a movie together, but Peter would much rather just lie down in his quite and dark room right now then by the loud chatters of his family. The Avengers let him do as he pleases and decided to hold a secret meeting when he is in his room and they are done with cleaning up.

''What do you guys thing is wrong with him?'' Clint asked. ''I don't know. Maybe he is sick, but he isn't supposed to be able to get sick thank to his fast healing. Bruce do you have any idea what he could have if he was normal?'' Tony asked Bruce who was already thinking about all Peter's symptoms.

''We should make a list of all the thinks that has been bothering Peter. I have the feeling that Peter has more than that he lets us see.'' Bruce suggested and they all begin to thing about what Peter has been doing different than normal. ''He is less energized.'' ''No appetite.'' ''He sleeps more.'' ''Leaves the room when there is a lot of sound.'' ''He looks paler than normal and maybe even a little thinner.''

After hearing all the things that Peter has, he still had no idea what he could have. ''I'm not sure what it could be. Let's just ask Peter over it tomorrow when he wakes up. There is a chance that he has for example stomachache or headaches. When we know other symptoms, we can help him.'' The others agreed with the plan and put on a movie to watch, but in the back of there minds there was still some worry for Peter.

It's the next day and Peter wakes up from his alarm. He weakly reaches for his alarm and turns it off. He feels so weak and cold. Why is he feeling like this suddenly? Yesterday it was mostly his head and stomach, but this makes it 30 times harder to ignore. Peter closes his eyes again and doesn't even try to get out of bed. ''Peter, it seems like you are having a fever I will alert your fathers.'' FRIDAY says but it seems like Peter didn't hear her.


All the Avenger were in the kitchen drinking coffee and thee while making breakfast. They were planning on asking while they are eating breakfast. ''Boss, Mr. Rogers Peter has a fever and needs immediately medical attention.'' Tony and Steve stop whatever they were doing and go to Peter's room with the other Avengers not far behind them. Steve opens the door and they were a little taken back with Peter's current condition. Peter was very pale and looked like he was going to pass out any moment, but the most concerning of all is the skin rashes on his arm.

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