Peter Parker || Regret

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Idea: sian981 (you probably didn't have this in mind, but I think you would still like it)

Warning: abuse mentioned


-Peter POV-

I want to tell you that I'm okay. That my life is great. That I have everything that I ever wanted, but I would be lying to you, to myself. I had a great life. I had a loving aunt, great friends and a second family someone that I hoped to never lose and never imaged that I would... but that is not the real word. No, because why would I deserve that.

It started quite a long time ago now that I think back to it. In school there is this person who bullies me, he calls himself Flash. It started with him insulting me like calling me names, crude remarks or put-downs, but not that long ago he started hitting and shoving me. I didn't mind it that much, he only did physical when I was on my own and most of the time Ned or MJ were with me. I still had a loving aunt, great friends and the team. Did you notice how I said 'had'?

About 5 months ago the Avengers started to ignore me. Not too bad, I thought that they were in a bad mood and would pass with time, but I couldn't be more wrong. It stated with ignoring and after a while they began to insult and scream at me. Not long after they threatened me, and I started to fear them a little. They weren't the people that I met all those years ago. It became only worse and worse the longer I stayed with them. Not long after they hit me, shove me and they even strangled me once...

I'm scared to go the school because of Flash. I'm scared to go to the tower because of the Avengers...

School was over and I'm on my way to the tower. Today Flash gave me a black eye and I think that he bruised two ribs, but other than that he didn't do much. I was more worried about what will happen at the tower. Flash is a normal human I will heal fast from whatever he does, but the Avengers aren't normal. They have super strength, weapons and a lot of fighting experience.

I took my time going to the tower, every second that I walk slower is a second less with them. I always go home on the same time, that way aunt May won't suspect anything. She doesn't know about Spider-Man or about what happens at school or the tower and I want to keep it that way.

When I arrived at the tower, I immediately went to the labs in the hope to not see them, but like always luck wasn't on my side. Tony and Bruce were both standing there on the other side of the room talking to each other. I tried to walk to where the stuff was that I needed and not be spotted, but why would fate do that for me. Bruce saw me walking and let Tony now. They looked at me with annoyed, hatred, bored and disgust. I tried not to make eye contact and take what I need and leave the room as fast as possible.

The rest of the day wasn't better. I had an run in least once with all the Avengers except for Thor who wasn't at the tower this week. When it was time to go home, I had many more wounds and I wished that I never had to return to the tower again or anywhere in Queen's or New York. There are too many memories that keep haunting me.

I enter the apartment and went to my room after saying 'I'm home to aunt May'. I put on my suit and patrol through the streets. It was peaceful and not much to do, which I'm grateful for because the wounds from earlier still hurt. After an hour of patrol, I went home, because there wasn't much to do, and the police will be able to handle it. Took off the suit and put on a hoody and jeans. I walk down stairs and to the living room where aunt May was sitting. I greeted her and she greeted me back and turned to look at me. She looks taken back when she looked at me and I was confused. Why was she looking at me like that?

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