Peter Parker || The Lost Badge

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-Peter POV-

I was on my why to Stark Industries after I was done eating dinner. Tony asked me to come early today because there has been an incident in the intern's lab and one of my projects was destroyed. I have my own lab and now you might be wondering why that project was there. After working on it in my lab I needed to ask some advice from Elijah who was in the intern lab, but someone needed my help and I kind of forgot to put it away, again.

The project that I was working on was a bracelet that can read your temperature, sugar level, heartbeat and if you have some type of parasite or viruses. It is supposed to help people with low immune systems. It can connect with your phone and when you need immediate medical attention, high heartbeat and things like that it will vibrate. I need Elijah's advise with how to design it so that people will be able to use easily.

I arrive at the building and stop in front of the building and look up. It still can't believe that I work here even true I have been for quite a long time now. I walk through the big electronic glass doors and I look trough my bag for my black badge.

Strange I can't seem to find it. Oh no don't tell me that I forgot it again. The last time I had a fieldtrip to Stark Industries, and I forgot my badge and they left me in the lobby... Some thing is telling me that Mr. Stark won't be as nice as last time. Okay Peter you know what to do. If you forget your badge you go to the reception and say you forgot your badge it happens more then you might think they are pretty used to it and if they still won't let you in just walk through FRIDAY knows me and if that doesn't work, then I'm in big problem.

I try to calm my nerves and walk to the reception, where Stella is. I don't remember a secretary that is named Stella. Normally Kai or Aria work today, maybe she is new. ''Good morning.'' I tell Stella and she looks from her laptop to me and smiles at me. ''Hallo, how can I help you?''

''I forgot my badge and I was wondering if you could let me in?'' Stella gives me a strange almost confused look before she answers me. Oh no, not again. ''I must ask you to leave the building or I will have to call the security. It's not good to lie about thing like this.'' She gives me a strict look and turn back to her laptop to probably continue working.

''Miss. Stella, I'm serious. I work here. You can look my name up in the employee list. My name is Pe-'' ''Kid, I asked you to leave. I might be new, but I'm not a fool. You look like a high schooler and I know that there are no high schoolers who work here.''

''But you said it yourself, your new. How can you know if I work here or not then? Could you just look up my name?'' I don't understand why she is being so difficult. I have a feeing that if I didn't forget my badge that she would still have stopped me because of my age. ''Last warning or security.''

I wish Aria or Kai were here. I sign and leave the reception to start plan c, just walk in using the bio scan. Mr. Stark isn't going to be happy that I forgot it again. We made a deal that if I forgot my badge more then two times a moth that I get less time to work on my own projects to teach me a lesson and if I walk inside using the bio scan, he will know that is why I wanted to go to the reception first.

I walk over to the scan but was stopped by somebody yelling at me. I turn around and you might have guessed who it was. Stella. ''Okay, that is enough I have called security. Now came with me willingly or ells.'' Stella looked angry. ''Miss. Stella, I don't-'' ''Stop talking.'' I stopped talking like she says. She is so stubborn, if I wasn't allowed in the building then I couldn't enter through the scan. Okay it's time for plan d, even though I'm not sure what plan d is...

Plan d is waiting for security. I'm know the security guards well I'm positive that they will know me after all the time that Mr. Stark and I worked together. The worst scenario is that Mr. Stark didn't only hire a new secretary, but also new security guards. I could ask for Happy.

Not even a minute after Stella stopped me two security guards walked over to us and guess what. I don't know them. Why Mr. Stark!? ''He was trying to break into the building.'' Stella tells them and they nod. Are you serious? ''Sorry to trouble you, but there seems to be a misunderstanding here. I work here, but Miss. Stella won't let me enter. Now if you could excuse me, I have work to do.''

I turn around and was about to walk away when each of the guards take my arm and were about to drag me away. I struggle and I might have used a some of me super strength the get them to let go of me. ''If you want proof that I'm telling the truth then call Happy Hogan, he is the head of security.'' They give me a blank look probably thinking that I'm just some reckless teenager who want to meet Tony Stark and try to grab my arms again. Why does nobody ever believe me?

I look around me for a way to get out of this mess and I see that Stella wasn't here anymore. I look aver at the reception where I see Stella talking to Kai. I look around me once more, but it seems that Kai is my only option right now. ''Kai!'' I not to loud, but just enough for him to hear me and he looks my way and stood up and started running at me and the guards after seeing what was happening. I see Kai saying something, but ignore it seeing as I'm still trying to keep my distance from the guards.

''What is going on here?'' Kai demand and one of the two guards stops trying to catch me and starts to talk to Kai. ''Stella informed us that somebody was trying to break into the building and directed us to this young man.'' Kai looked over at Stella who was typing something on her laptop, and he looks back at the security and was trying to convince him that I really work here but doesn't believe him. Okay I found Stella 2.0.

''What the hell is going on here. I was having my lunch break when FRIDAY alerts me that Peter is in trouble. No that tell me what you are doing Asher and Logan.'' The security guards look scared but masked afterwards not wanting to be looked down on by there boss. ''We were alerted that somebody wanted to break in.'' Happy gave them the same blank face that they gave me, but they didn't back down.

''I don't see anybody breaking in do you Kai?'' Happy asked while looking at Kai. ''No, I don't.'' Logan and Asher looked confused at the duo and where conflicted about what to do. ''Who alerted you?'' Happy demanded and they told him that it was Stella and Happy calls her over.

''Yes, sir?'' Stella asked as if nothing has happened. ''Why are you trying to kick Peter out of the building?'' Stella looked confused but answered anyways. ''He was trying to enter the building and didn't have a badge. I asked him to leave, but he kept talking back and then we walked over to the badge scan and then called security to escort him out of the building.''

Happy was about to talk when we heard clapping for behind me and we all turn around and see Mr. Stark walking over to us while clapping his hands. ''Good job, Stella. Calling security and all, but you are forgetting one thing. My employees forget their badge from time to time least once a week somebody forgets it. Mr. Parker over here forget it more then others, I do admit, but still. Stella, do know how to check somebodies name to look if they work here?''

''I do know.'' Stella defended herself. ''Good. Why didn't you do that when we said that he forgot his badge?''

''I didn't believe that he worked here.''

''And why is that?''

''He is a high school student and I know that we don't have any high schoolers that work here and that is the reason why I didn't check.''

''Okay, then let me inform you who Peter Parker is. Peter here is a high school student, so you got that right, but he does work here. He is my personal intern. What do you have to say about that?''

''I'm sorry Mr. Stark. It won't happen again...''

''I know it won't, Stella your fired.'' Stella looked shocked when Mr. Stark said that, but nodded her head knowing that it won't work to argue with him. ''and you two. If I see this again, you will be fired like Stella. Understand?'' They nod and they all walk away. Mr. Stark turns to me and looks me in the eyes. ''First Derek and now Stella. You should really learn to just take your badge with you Peter.''

''I know Mr. Stark. I just can't help it, I want to get here as soon as possible, and I forget to check it.'' He puts a hand on my head and messes up my hair. ''It's okay kid, let's go to the lab or did your forget about the reason why you're here.''

We make our way to the elevator and went to the lab.

We got 2k reads. Thank you for reading! By the way did anybody notice somthing in the story. Comment when you noticed it :)

Word Count: 1701

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