Always be 10

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Everything was spinning around Suri. She felt like punching Minho or JYP himself. Why did he make a mistake, they practiced the dance more than millions of times. What's new? Everyone around her was already crying, while he only smiled at them, but she could tell that he was more than hurting inside and she couldn't do anything. No one could, even Chan himself.  

Don't cry. Don't cry-  She was already crying. She crouched down and let her tears fall down quietly. 

"Please let this be a dream, Please." She couldn't help but whisper to herself as she heard the cries around her. She felt hands on her shoulder and someone pulling her a little bit higher so she was on her knees with her back straight now. 

"I'm okay." He whisper softly as he hugged her, but she knew that he wasn't. He was probably breaking more than any of them. 

"No you're not, Minho. I know that you're not." Minho hugged her tighter, smoothing her hair. "You shouldn't be the one comforting me. You don't deserve this Minho, you're talented. I don't know how he can't see this. This was just one stupid mistake. You don't deserve this. You deserve to debut with us." Suri heard Minho chuckle from behind her, but she could already feel his tears wetting her t-shirt. 

"It's okay, maybe something better is waiting for me. Please don't let this hold you down, you can do this Su. With me or without me."  

"But I don't want to do it without you Minho." Soon everyone soon got into a group hug with Minho in the middle. Who knew, maybe this was going to be their last time hugging him as their group member, as their main dancer, as their mood maker. They didn't know, all they knew that they were going to miss him being with them, and deep down they knew that they'll always be 10 members.

9th member; of Stray KidsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora