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"Say sorry, but do not confess to her that you're in love with her just yet." 

"What the heck, Chan. That's not going to help me." 

"Just listen to me for fuck's sake. No one listens to me in this freaking house." 

"So you just brought me home so I can say sorry." 

"The sooner the better."  


Hyunjin stood in front of Suri's room, remembering the conversation he had with Chan a few minutes ago, regretting listening to him. He didn't really want to knock on the door, still not sure what was he going to say. 'Hey Suri I'm sorry I got you a gift the same day I went to fuck my-' 

Hyunjin's thoughts were cut the second the door opened revealing a surprised Jeongin. "What are you doing here?" 

"I live here." 

"In front of mine and Suri's room?" 

"No, I-" Jeongin cut the other guy off, as he closed the door and just walked away. 

"Whatever." Hyunjin somehow forgot that he wasn't on really good terms with the whole house, not only Suri. He stood again in front of a closed door, waiting for it to magically open on its own, and as if Suri heard what was going inside his head, he was surprised when the door opened and now he was face to face with Suri. 

"What are you doing here?" Hyunjin just looked at the shorter girl, questioning if they were asking about why he was in the house in general, since he was rarely there, or they were questioning why he was creepily standing in front of their room. 

"I'm sorry." Hyunjin wasn't sure he just said that, because definitely what he had in mind was way different from what he just said. 

"Ookay?" Suri looked at him confused, causing him to groan, looking at her one last time. 

"Can we talk?" Suri shrugged, moving out of his way, so he can follow her inside the room. He wasn't sure if she forgot what happened, or she just doesn't care. What he didn't know that Suri didn't even want to look at him, but she still wanted to listen to him. She wanted to know what he had to say. 

"I'm sorry I did what I did." 

"You did a lot of shit, which one are you talking about." He really wanted to break her nose, it looked really breakable for him now. 

"Go to hell." He said. He really couldn't help, but glare at her, even though he was trying to say sorry.

"Where do you think I came from?" 

"I'm going to fucking kill you one day." 

"Oh I'd like to watch you try." Hyunjin looked around the room, trying to find something to hit her with. "What you're going to 'kill me' inside my room. What a great front-page headline for Dipatch, 'Stray kids' Hwang Hyunjin, kills his group member, Lee Suri after he fucking kissed her, because she was mad that he got her chocolate for Valentine's day the same day he got cond-" 

"Okay~ Fine. I fucked up, bad. I really didn't mean to kiss you, and I got you the chocolate because I knew you liked them, nothing more nothing less. Suri, I don't want to ruin our friendship, I don't want to ruin what is between us and maybe that's stopping me from doing a lot of things, but I want you to know that no matter what you're my best friend and yes I make a lot of mistakes, but you have to accept that whether you like it or not, because I'm your best friend and you should love me no matter how much I fuck things up, you still have to love me so much and accept me and care for me and-" 

"You're making me feel as I did something wrong."  Suri crossed her arms over her chest, causing Hyunjin to roll his eyes at her. 

"You're being a bitch now, so what if I kissed you. Its not like I took your first kiss or something." Suri let out a really loud gasp, that Hyunjin was surprised she didn't choke on her breathe. She knew he was joking and she knew that he was sorry, and she knew he didn't mean what he said and even though she doesn't really know why he kissed her, she still thinks she overreacted when she saw the chocolate receipt, but still that didn't mean he had to kiss her. 

"It was my first kiss." Suri thought for a moment, before saying that and she wasn't really sure why she said that. 

"Oh come on, I know kissed Jeno before." 

"No I didn't." The two weren't sure what they were fighting about anymore, but they were just fighting. 

"I saw you two kissing before." 

"Why were you looking at us kissing?" 

"Because you two didn't know how to get a freaking room, so you ate each other faces in front of us all the time." 

"Shut the fuck up." 

"You shut the fuck up." Chan stood outside the room with Jeongin, really regretting telling Hyunjin to apologise, after all they were one second away from killing each other. 

"Are we going to leave them?" Jeongin looked at Chan, who nodded at him, putting an arm around his shoulder, taking him away from the room. 

"Hopefully both of them would be dead by tonight."  

9th member; of Stray KidsWhere stories live. Discover now