Special Stage

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"How have you guys been today?" The members watched as their manager sat on the chair in front of them, they all greeted him back wondering what made him this excited. 

"The MBC music festival is coming soon, and you guys are going to perform Side effects and also you're going to have some special stages with NCT dream." 

"Really?" This would be the first time for the group to have a duet stage with someone and everyone was excited that it was NCT dream, specially Suri. She got to meet some of the members before, but this would be the first time to meet the dreamies and that made her happy that she was adding another NCT human to her NCT collection. 

"Yes, both groups are going to have a special stage together and then it would be a duet between Jeno and Suri, we're leaving the song for you-" 

"Wait Suri who?" Suri cut the manager off as she was surprised that she was going to have a duet with a guy other than the boys. She wasn't used to dancing with anyone other than them and it didn't make her feel as comfortable, but she knew Jeno at least from what Johnny told her that he was nice and he was extremely polite and that made her way too shy to even think about dancing with him. 

"I don't see any other Suris." The manager chuckled at the girl who was blushing from embarrassment. 

"So its just two stages, one of us with them and then its just Suri with Jeno." 

Their manager nodded slowly at Chan as he looked at the papers in front of him. "Yes, you're going to perform together and then everyone will leave except Jeno and Suri. By the way we're going to SM tomorrow so you guys can meet and start practicing, Jeno and Suri are going to have some private practicing since they still need to choose the song and the concept of course." 

"Private practicing?" Changbin chuckled as he looked at Suri and was pushed slightly by Felix who was beside him. 

"Don't act like babies and go back home, you have a really long day tomorrow." 


"Are you excited?" Jisung asked Suri who sat beside him on their car ride to SM. Suri thought for a moment and then nodded slowly. "You seem unsure." He chuckled as he watched the road from the window beside her. 

"I don't know. I'm not used to be with someone other than you guys. I've been practicing with you guys all the time. I don't even remember training with anyone other than you guys and Dae-hwi and Somi. Its going to be a bit weird, but Johnny told me that Jeno is nice, so its okay." Jisung just nodded understanding her point. 

"You have to get used to training with other people, we may kick you out of the group or something." He joked, causing Suri to fake a gasp and turn around to look at him quickly. 

"I'm going to leave before you guys kick me out then." She continued with his little game and he leaned on the door as if he was opening the door. 

"Bye bye then." Suri just pushed him away, and laughed as he kept whining. "But serious talk, I feel like you're going to rock this stage with Jeno. I know you will." Suri smiled brightly at Jisung and nodded slowly at him, then both of them fell into silence. It wasn't even 5 minutes till their manager told them that they arrived. 

They group got out of the car one after one and followed their manager inside the building as he held a lot of energy drinks as a gift, and they greeted with another manager who introduced himself as the NCT dream manager. He took them to one of the elevators and Suri couldn't help, but laugh a little. 

"I remember this elevator, its where I met Johnny." She whispered to Seungmin who was beside her. They entered the elevator with the managers. "Floor number 2 is where they interview trainees, floor 6 is were most of the SM groups practice, but 4 is where the trainees practice, you can't go to floor 9 though, it has Lee Soo-man office." 

NCT's manager laughed as he watched how Suri said everything perfectly as he clicked on floor 6. "Everything is correct, 3 is where the managers have their meetings too, just to let you know." Suri gave him a big smile as the other boys laughed at how she remembers the company that she stayed in for two days only. 

"The boys are waiting for you guys since this morning." Their manager opened the door and they saw 6 boys smiling at them. 

"To the world! Here is NCT. Hello we're NCT dream!"

"Step out! Hello we're Stray kids. Please accept this small gift from us" Chan said as he gave the bottles to Jaemin after the two groups introduced themselves formally and then each member took a turn to introduce themselves.

"Okay So now I guess its time for you guys to say goodbye to Jeno and Suri. They have a lot of work to do." Suri looked at her manager and then back at Chan trying to show them that she didn't want to be alone. Her manager gave her a quick look as the dreamies manager guided her and Jeno out of the room, leaving the other boys with her manager. 

Jeno gave her a small smile as he let her walk in front of him, behind his manager. "Okay so you two will be working in this room, you have today to choose the song and the concept, then you have a week to come up with the dance. Good luck." 

Suri bowed down slightly as she watched the manager leave the room, she turned to Jeno and gave him a small smile as he returned it. 

"So-" "We-" 

"I'm sorry-" "Sorry-" 

"You-" "You-" 

"I sh-" "May-"  

The two looked at each other and blushed awkwardly, but then Jeno sighed deeply as he decided to speak, giving Suri a look asking for her permission. She nodded awkwardly at him and waited fr him to say whatever he was planning to say. 

"We can go grab a drink and talk about the song if you would like, I can treat you to something from our SM cafe if you would like." Jeno said shyly as Suri just nodded slowly and he asked her to follow him to the elevator and again both of them didn't say anything, until Suri decided that this wasn't going to work at all, she needed to be nice after all they were going to work together. 

"So, what do you have in mind." She looked up at Jeno who was taller than her, he just thought for a while and then let her out of the elevator as he followed her. 

"I was thinking of dancing more than singing though. For the concept I think it should be something unique too, I'm not sure what though, I was going to leave this part for us to think of together. Do you have something in mind though?" Suri shook her head, but she didn't want to act as if she wasn't thinking at all of this. She wanted to show him that she cared too for this duet. 

"I was thinking of something like this too, I wanted to focus on us dancing too." They walked inside the cafe and Jeno walked to order them some hot chocolate. 

"Maybe we should try a push and pull concept, you know what I mean right? I'm really bad at explaining things." Suri giggled, causing Jeno to smile widely, his eyes disappearing. 

"I like this idea, there's a lot of songs with this concept." Suri said as Jeno gave her her drink. "Thank you." They went to one of the tables to sit down. 

"We have a week though, its way too long for both of us. Let's just talk about something else for now." Suri blushed at what Jeno said, but decided to nod slowly not minding, getting to know Lee Jeno for now.   

9th member; of Stray KidsWhere stories live. Discover now