I Care

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Its been almost a week since what happened between Suri and Minho, the two weren't completely ignoring each other, but it was clear how awkward things was between them. Minho didn't hate Suri for what she said, of course he didn't. He wasn't mad at her too. Like come on what was he expecting, it was his fault by the end of the day. He never showed her how he truly felt, or what he really wanted. He just confused her with everything, but he was sure that it wasn't too late. He still has his chance. 

For Suri, she wasn't mad at him too of course, after all he's her best friend. How can she hate him? She was just confused, she never understood Minho and now he's making everything worst, but she wasn't going to blame her. Maybe it was her fault too, maybe she made him feel this way, by the end of the day Suri knew that it was too late for him. He's just a best friend to her. 

"Yo, What's up?" Suri awkwardly entered the practice room, noticing how only Minho was inside. The boy turned quickly to look at the girl not expecting to see her this late. Well that's probably why he came this late, because he wanted some alone time to himself, and he knew that now days Suri left on time for some unknown reasons. Usually she used to stay after practice with him or another one of the boys, and Minho tried his best not to overthink where she went. 

"Oh you're still here." Minho cursed himself, as he made things more awkward. He watched how the girl nodded slowly as she walked over to where he was in the middle of the room. 

"Yeah, I thought that we can hang out. We haven't had quality time for ourselves in a while, that's  of course if you want. If you don't want to, its-" 

"Riannon, of course I want to spend time with you." Minho couldn't help but smile at the girl, remembering how she was like before they debuted. She was just as shy as she is right now, she was as awkward, she didn't know what to say, just like she is now and that made Minho realize how stupid he is, how he almost ruined everything between him and the younger girl, causing them to almost be strangers again. Luckily Suri wasn't planning to lose him anytime soon. 

"So what do you want to do?" Minho walked to his bag, putting it over his shoulder as he linked his arm with the girl's, getting out of the room with her. 

"I don't know, I want to do whatever Lee Know wants to do." Minho laughed as the girl jumped up and down, excitedly in front of the elevator. Minho knew that he didn't want to lose her no matter what happened. Minho knew that without her he can't do a lot of things, he wasn't planning to let her go, he wasn't planning to give her to someone else. 

"There's this new burger place that Chan told me about, lets go there, its really close." Suri nodded excitedly as she started humming some familiar cheerful tune. Minho gave the girl a side look as he cleared his throat. 

"Chewing gum, huh?" Suri giggled as she nodded at him. Minho knew how much she used to like the song, and he was always okay with it, but now something inside him annoyed him. 

"By the way, I heard that you've been hanging out with NCT dream and stuff." 

"Yeah, they're fun to be around." Minho wasn't sure if he always felt this way, or was he over reacting everything. Suri was free to have friends, she was a human after all. He should be happy for her that she was making friends and that she was having fun, but in the same time again he felt that he wasn't planning to give her to someone else.

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