JYP Papa

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"So why did you want to meet me?" JYP watched Suri who sat beside a smiling Chan. 

"Is it bad that I wanted to meet you? Don't you love me anymore." Chan couldn't help but chuckle. Suri hit him under the table, causing JYP to give them a look. 

"Did you kill anyone?" Chan couldn't help, but laugh loudly as he watched Suri roll her eyes at their CEO. "Young girl don't you roll your eyes." 

"Okay I'm leaving." Chan grabbed the girl's wrist sitting her down again on the chair. 

"Just tell him, Su." JYP gave the girl a look as she gave a big sigh, sitting straight, looking JYP in the eye. 

"I just wanted to tell you, because first for all I don't want to lie to you about something like this, and also we're really close and we tell you everything so yeah, I'm just being a good girl here. JYP I just wanted to tell you-" 

"You know that I'm married right?" Suri and Chan gave JYP a look as he was trying to joke, but definitely couldn't. 

"Stop with the dad jokes." Chan said, and JYP sighed as he told Suri to continue whatever she was saying. 

"I have a boyfriend." 

"Oh is it Hyunjin?" JYP leaned on the table, giving Suri a big smile. "I knew you guys would date, took you really long? Who started it? Why isn't he here with y-" 

"It's not Hyunjin. Why the heck am I here?" Suri groaned, looking at the Aussie, but Chan was laughing way too hard to even notice the girl struggling. 

"Who is it then?" 

"Jeno, from NCT dream." 

"Oh the guy that doesn't have eyes, but has a lot of abs. Yeah I saw a shirtless picture of him before, nice. You know how to pick your man Suri." 

"Are you even serious? Aren't you like going to be no boys, no dating? and why the hell were you looking at shirtless pictures of my boyfriend?" 

"Hey, don't judge. I just saw it on my Instagram, its not like I was searching. Anyways why would I say no dating? Aren't you old enough for that? As long as you keep yourself safe and keep the group safe, I'm more than okay with that. Congrats Su! You're growing up way too fast. By the way when am I going to meet the abs guy?" 

"Okay I'm leaving."   

9th member; of Stray KidsWhere stories live. Discover now