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"Jisung." No answer "Jisung, please." 

"I said I have a lot of work to do, stop bothering me." It has been like that for the last hour. Suri have been trying to talk to Jisung, but in vain. She was trying to apologize to him, even though she didn't know what she was saying sorry for, but she loved him. She loved him so much that she didn't want to lose him. 

"Jisung, I'm sorry okay. I really don't know why you're that mad at me, but please don't be. Please, I-" 

"Suri, leave." He still had his back facing her, as he stared at his computer, doing whatever he was doing. 

"Funny how last time we were here, you made me listen to the song you wrote for me." Suri scoffed as she got up, leaving him behind her, even though it hurt her to say that and leave him like that, but it wasn't like he did care. 

He loved her, he really did. That's why he thought that she should only be his, she's already is his. It killed him so much that she even talks to anyone else other than him, and as much as he knew how toxic he was he still couldn't even change, she's only his. 


"Are you okay?"  Minho looked at the girl beside him, who was dozing beside him. The girl couldn't open her eyes, causing Minho to leave his phone, turning all his attention on her. "Su?" 

"I-I'm fine." Minho rested the back of his hand on her forehead, only to get up from his place on the couch beside Suri. 

"You're burning." 

"Lee Know, I'm fine." Minho nodded softly at her, taking her hands his in, pulling her up. 

"Let's just get you upstairs." 

"Wait, I-" Suri stopped midway, trying to open her eyes, but they only closed again as the girl passed out between Minho's arms. 



Her eyes opened softly as she felt something wet on her forehead. She tried to get up, only to be pushed back down on the bed. "W-what happened?" 

"You have a really bad fever." Seungmin who was the one who pushed her back on the bed, said as he removed the wet cloth from her forehead. "A really bad one." 

Suri nodded as she looked around the room, not seeing anyone but Seungmin. "Where is-" Before she could say anything the door opened widely. 

"Dude you scared me." Minho exclaimed as he entered the room with Felix, Jeongin and Chan following him. "Are you okay now?" 

"She's getting better." Seungmin said, as he noticed how tiring it was for Suri to talk. 

"Do you need anything, babygirl?" Chan moved to the other side of the bed, putting his hand on her forehead, noticing how her body temperature was returning back to normal slowly. Suri shook her head, smiling softly at him. 

"I'm back. Aww you're up." Changbin entered the room with a bowl in his hands. "My mom made you some soup when she found out that you're sick. There's a lot downstairs too." Seungmin and Chan helped Suri sit so she can eat the soup. 

Seungmin kept looking at Suri, and each time their eyes meet he lets out a sigh. The others were busy talking about whatever they were talking about. "Can I talk to Suri?" 

"Huh?" Felix looked at him confused, just like everyone else.

"Can you guys leave so I can talk to her?" 

"What's wrong with us staying here? You can't talk to her with us around?" Seungmin only rolled his eyes at Changbin before giving Chan a look. 

"Let's just leave them for a second, I'm sure they'll tell us later." Chan pushed everyone out of the room, but staying behind for a few seconds. "Whatever this conversation is gonna be about, you two know that I'm here for both of you right? Like whatever is going on, please inform me." 

Seungmin nodded at him, while Suri just looked down at her bowl for a moment lost in her thoughts, then looking up at Chan and nodding too. Chan left the room, closing the door behind him, causing Seungmin to turn his attention to Suri. 

"You don't look alright, you don't seem alright. Don't say nothing is wrong, your ex literally texted me, saying that he feels the same." 

"Jeno texted you?" Seungmin nodded, leaning back on the chair he was sitting on, beside her bed.

"I can feel the tension between you and Jisung, Hyunjin too. What happened?" 

"Jisung is- I don't know. Maybe I'm doing something wrong." Suri mumbled, more to herself. "Maybe I'm making him feel like that." 

"Suri, I can't hear you." The girl didn't say anything for a moment, before smiling at the boy in front of her. It wasn't the smile he wanted to see on her face, and he knew that she was going to lie. He knew that she wasn't okay, and he knew that he should help her before it gets worst. 


She was left alone to rest, but it wasn't like she was able to sleep, her mind was going to places. He didn't even come to see her, even though he knew that she was tired, he was still ignoring her. What was she doing wrong for him to be like that with her? 

Should he be the most worried one about her? They were literally a room away, he was staying back in his room and as much as she wanted to get up so she can apologise to him, she couldn't even move from her bed. She was too tired to move a muscle. 

There was a soft knock on the door, and she was hoping that it was him. "H-Hey." 

The look on her face made him regret coming, she looked sad, maybe confused or worried. "I-I'm sorry for coming. I just wanted to check on you." He turned around sl owly on his way out of the room. 

"Hyunjin, wait. I-I'm sorry. You can come."  She finally smiled, causing him to return the smile to her.  

"How have you been?" He asked, walking over to the chair that was beside her bed. He watched her as she nodded, smiling at him. 

"Better."  Hyunjin couldn't help, but check her temperature, putting the back of his hand on her forehead. He pulled his hand quickly as they both made eye contact. 

"Uhh- Seungmin told me that you had a really bad fever, but it looks like its gone now." Hyunjin returned both hands on his lap, looking anywhere but Suri as she did the same. "I- Umm- If you need anything just call me." Hyunjin got up from his place, taking the empty bowl that was beside Suri with him. 

"Hyunjin-" The guy stopped as he looked back at her. "Thank you." He didn't really know what to say or why she was even thanking him, but he smiled and nodded at her. He got out of the room, closing the door softly behind him. 

"What were you doing inside there?" Hyunjin stopped in front of the door as Jisung who was on his way to the bathroom said. 

"What weren't you doing inside there? Isn't she your girlfriend? Shouldn't you be the one checking on her.

"Are you going to teach me how to treat my girlfriend? Why because Hyunjinnie boy had a girlfriend before? Who sadly didn't even love him-"

"And do you love Suri?" Jisung chuckled, as he walked closer to Hyunjin. 

"Non of your business. Stay away from her, Hyunjin." 

"Don't come crying to us when you lose her, then, because clearly you don't seem to mind. She deserves way better than this, way better than you. You know what's funny? I never thought that one day I would be the one to tell you this. You, who didn't talk about anything other than protecting and taking care of Suri, the same girl you're hurting right now, the same that's cry herself to sleep. Can't you see what you're doing? Jisung this is the last time I'm going to say this, its either you treat her like she deserves or you stay the fuck away from her." Hyunjin didn't say anything more, he didn't have to say, he just left.  

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