Not anymore

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Woojin knew that Jisung did not sleep at all, even though he was extremely tired, he didn't even close his eyes for 10 straight minutes, but he still needed to eat breakfast and talk to Woojin about everything. Woojin needed to know and understand, if there was anything to understand other than the fact that Jisung was an asshole. 

"Wake up."

"I'm not sleeping." 

"Then get your ass to the kitchen so we can have breakfast." 

"Woojin I'm not hung-"

"Okay listen, I'm sorry for being harsh on you, but stop being an ass and do what I'm saying. If you decided to come here then follow my fucking rules and go to the kitchen so we can fucking eat so we can fucking talk about you being an asshole." Woojin left the room, slamming the door behind him. Jisung groaned, knowing that he mad Woojin angry and that was the last this he wanted. He got up quickly, following Woojin, looking down at his phone noticing the boys' text messages, that did not stop since the day he left. 

"Sit down." Jisung locked his phone and sat in front of Woojin, slowly eating his phone. Woojin was silently eating his food too, before looking at Jisung. 

"Answer the boys. At least Chan. Tell him that you're fine." 

"I can't face them, Woojin. I feel bad that they're even worrying about me." 

"That was an order." Jisung sighed, grabbing his phone, opening Chan's chat. He stared at it for a while, before taking a big breathe. 

Jisung: I'm okay. Don't worry about me.

"Don't tell them that you're here if you don't want to." Jisung nodded, before looking at Woojin for a few seconds then turning away from him. "As much as I know that you probably hate me more than anyone in the world right now, but thank you so much for letting me stay here with you. I don't even know how I took that discussion to come here, but I didn't have anyone else to go to." Woojin was silent in front of the younger, he didn't have anything to say or to tell him, he just stared at him, not taking his eyes off him and if looks could kill, Jisung would probably have been dead by now. 

"Jisung- Why did you do that?" Woojin finally said, as he kept glaring at Jisung. "Suri. We're talking about Suri here. You know who is that? The girl you fell in love with the moment you saw her with Chan, the girl you did everything for, the girl you fought with Hyunjin for, the girl you broke Minho's nose for, the girl you thought about kicking Minho out of the group for, the girl that was always there for you no matter what, the girl that cared for you more than anyone. You literally did that to her, and till that moment we're talking in, she's still worried for you, she's still asking about you and wondering where you are, she still believes that she did something wrong, that she's the reason why you're not back home. That's fucking messed up." 

Woojin groaned putting his face between his hands, before looking back at Jisung. "I don't know why, but I sensed that something bad would happen when they first told me that you two are dating. I never accepted it." 

Jisung cried, and he knew that it won't fix anything anymore. Woojin wanted to yell at him more, he wanted to tell him to stop crying, because why was he even crying, is he now only realizing his mistakes? And what happened to all the months she was beginning him to stop, beginning him to trust her, to stop hurting her. How was he able to do that to her. 

"I- I don't have anything to say. No excuse, non of them makes sense. I don't know why I did that Woojin. I love her, I love her so much, it fucking hurts, but I was scared, so fucked up. I was blind, I wasn't even myself, I was scared that maybe, just maybe she was in love with someone else, because how can someone like her be with me? She was way better than me, so I wanted to keep her for myself, because I knew that anyone could easily take her from me-" 

"She's not a fucking objects that people can give and take. She loved you and you doubted that, no matter how much she tried to prove it for you." 

"I know, I fucking know. Seeing her around Jeno, or Hyunjin or any other guy-" 

"You helped her get with Jeno. You fucking helped him to ask her out." Nothing from what Jisung said made any sense to Woojin, or Jisung himself, but that was what he felt back then, back when she was his. 

"Because I knew she was happy around him." 

"You cared about her happiness when she was dating another man, but when she was with you you played with her happiness? Jisung you're giving me a headache. Like for how long were you planning to do this? for how long were you planning to ruin her? Until she leaves the group?" 

"Woojin I would have never-" 

"You would have never what? Went this far? 7 months ago if you told me you'd have never even think about making Suri cry, I would've believed you, but look where we are now." Jisung didn't know what to say anymore. He didn't have anything more to say actually. 

"I'm- I don't know." He mumbled, as his tears ran down his cheeks nonstop, but he was sure that Suri cried more than this because of him. 

"I don't know too, Jisung." Woojin got up from his place on the couch, going to his room, not really sure what he'll do there, but anywhere away from Jisung now would be amazing for him. 

9th member; of Stray KidsWhere stories live. Discover now