The beginning

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In paradise, it was a special day for the shapes, hero's and the king's and queen's. Why you may ask well it's Blues 4 birthday! All of the shapes gathered around the tree of life, while bringing in food for the birthday party. A few hours later. Cube, Blue and Blixter are just arriving to the tree of life we're the party was hosted. In every hero's birthday they will receive a piece of a mini triangle that contains a new power or spell that the hero's learn. Pent, Ci, and Tri already have their full triangle, and Blue is the only one left with the last piece of the mini triangle. The birthday party starts. Party lights were everywhere and everyone was having fun and dancing. While Blue was dancing with Cube and the others, he found Blixter alone. So Blue walked up to him and asking if he was ok. Blixter responded that he doesn't deserve to be near any of the shapes and that he is better off killed by the monsters that always try to hunt him down. But Blue took Blixters hand and dragged Blixter to the dancing floor. Blue started dancing with Blixter until he was laughing of so much fun. When the party was about to end Pepper the queen of the yellow kingdom, spoke a speech about Blue. After the speech Pepper told blue to step in front of the tree of life to receive the last piece of the mini triangle. So every shape gathered around Blue. The other hero's and King's and queen's were watching. All of the three hero's spoke that blue now have a huge responsibility once he has the full triangle and to try to take care of it. The tree of life starts glowing, everyone closed there eyes, but Blixter didn't know that he was supposed to close his eyes.                                                      The trees glow absorb every inch of Blixters color returning him back into his monster form  and with a grayish skin color. Everyone opened their eyes and started cheering for Blue with his full mini triangle. When Blue turned around to tell Blixter he realized what happened. Every shape looked back and started screaming " There's a monster near the tree of life!!" Everyone ran back. The other three hero's realize what happened and summoned a shield to protect the shapes. Pepper used her telekinesis to lift up Blixter. Angry she told Blixter that he was banished from paradise for all eternity. "Pepper please stop! Let him go!" Screamed Blue. He ran full speed to stop Pepper. But got paralyzed by one of Tri's attacks. Horrified Blue saw Pepper throw Blixter far where the mountains were. (Hope you all liked it this one took me awhile to think and write it, I'll be posting the 2 chapter later this weekend I don't know)

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