Heated welcome

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The morning came, and Cube woke up to Blue sitting in front of the entrance from we're they were. "Blue? Did you get some sleep too?" Blue looked behind him and said no. Cube stood up slowly still in pain. Blue notices and quickly grabs Cube before she fell. "Blue you need to sleep you look tired" said Cube. "No..no I'm fine I don't need any sleep, I have to protect you" answered Blue. "But Blue, I can take care of myself, you know that right?" said Cube in a calm tone. "I know, it's just you can hurt badly that you need help sometime" replied Blue.                                                                                      Blue sighs, "ok fine just tell me who or what attacked you". Cube told Blue that when, she was trying to find shelter for the shapes, she found herself trapped with corrupted shapes all around her, until 4 shape guards came to help her. But when she summoned her bubble shield the shape guards didn't enter the shield. They distract the corrupted shapes to make them go away from Cube. To which it worked. Then she said that she felt hot before she noticed she was surrounded by pink flames, a figure appears and it starts shooting fire balls at her. She tried to keep the shield in contact but it started to melt from the intense heat. The shield completely melts and she starts running but got hit by multiple fire balls. Leaving her weak. Blue trying to think of a shape that can control fire. I tile he told Cube if there was a Fire elemental here in paradise. "I don't think so, the only elemental shapes that paradise has right now is the, Ice, Air, and Electric shapes." Why? Said cube confused. "That means that the corrupt you fought, might have been the new fire elemental shape, but corrupted" said Blue, Cube shrugs.                      ( This chapter might be confusing or it's just I didn't plan this chapter through correctly, but I just hope you all enjoy it)

                                                        ( This chapter might be confusing or it's just I didn't plan this chapter through correctly, but I just hope you all enjoy it)

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