Reaching to Bane

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Everyone grouped up to talk about the plan on how to get to Bane safely. "Also I was meaning to ask... how does Pent have grass like powers?" Said Blue. "Maybe he got that power when he got corrupted?" Replied Ci in a confused tone. "Well it doesn't matter now! We have to go to we're Pent is to save him." Yelled Rex. So Cube got up slowly and started to grab her back telling everyone to get ready as well. Everyone grabs there bags and walked to the direction we're the kingdom is. Problem is that the town that there in "Plantae" it's one of the largest towns in paradise, meaning a lot of walking and running toward many C.shapes. After some time they finally reached to the front gates of the Kingdom. "Why are they close?" Questions Cube. Until Cube trued to open the gates she looked up and saw 4 corrupted shapes jumping down from the gates. Blue pushed Cube out of the way, and Ci and Tex were able to knock them out quickly. Rex then was able to open the gates but before entering they were stopped by Carnivores plants that were 4x there size. "Oh boy" said Ci "We might have a problem" yelled Cube. One of the vines grabbed Blue's leg and Lyft him up. The Plant started to swing Blue in circle's before throwing him at a tree. "I don't feel so good.... I feel woozy..." said Blue slowly. Cube saw and told Ci and Rex to hold them off so that she can heal Blue. Cube run's to Blue, scared she just took a breath in and tried to summon her healing spell. It took a while but she was able to heal Blue up perfectly. "Hey thanks Cube!" Smiled Blue. "No problem anyway we have bigger problems" explained Cube. When Blue and Cube came back they already killed one of the plants but the other one was a bit stronger. But Ci was hiding behind the plant and stabbed it multiple times with his ax. The Carnivorous plant falls and starts to shrivel up. "We're ok.... just tired" huffed Ci in between breath's. So our hero's starts walking through the Green kingdom. Until they reach a pathway to which Ci said it's that way. So Blue summons his shield and Ci summons his ax's. All walked slowly until they heard screaming they hid in a bush to see Bane dragging someone into a plant pod. "Oh... your here... I guess you guys will have to purify me. I'm I right?" Said Bane Everyone just stayed silent. "Oh your giving me the silent treatment... doesn't matter anyway, I'll kill every one of you guys slowly and painfully." Laughs Bane in a crazy tone. "Try me" yelled Rex. "Fine then let's fight! Then we'll see who wins!" Bane starts to grow his vine like arms and starts sprinting towards our hero's.

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