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Some days past when the incident happened, Jade, Pent, Frost, and Rex fully recovered. Now meaning they should start to make a plan on how to purify Delta, when they all reached an agreement they all left the factory and walked to we're the main entrance gates were to enter the kingdom. But they encountered so many C.shapes that they having trouble on how to stop them, but with Bliss help they had no trouble. After a while our hero's made it through the gates and all they had to do is find Delta. Blue summons his shield, Ci summons his ax's, and Pent summons his vines. They all knew that Delta is capable of killing them, so they had to be on there guard. When walking through they encountered her. "Well what do we have here? A couple of hero's, caretakers, elemental shapes, and a traitor." Said Delta. Everyone had an worried expression on there face. "What's the matter? Are you scared? You should be!" Yelled Delta. "We came to purify you and save Tri from the corruption!" Shouted Blue. "Oh....dear you must be confused." Said Delta while smiling. "Tri wanted this to happen, she wanted to get corrupted!" Yelled Delta aggressively. Delta came out of the shadows, this is the first time our hero's finally see Delta completely. "Let's just say she got her wish." Chucked Delta. "Your a lier! Tri wouldn't want this to happen to her!" Shouted Pent. Delta laughed so hard it made the ground shake a bit. "Don't believe me? Then lets pay a little visit for Tri." Said Delta. Everyone sees Delta floating up in the air while glitching uncontrollably until she turned to Tri. Tri landed on the ground and she looked at everyone with tears in her eyes. "Tri what's going on explain!" Shouted Rex. "Ok....ok remember when Blix fired his attack to us when we were protecting the tree of life? Well when the attack hit me, I actually strong enough to expel the corruption but........I let it control over me." Said Tri softly. "Your a hero.... a fucking hero! Your job is to protect paradise not destroy it!" Yelled Bliss in anger. Bliss then threw an electric attack to Tri, the attack hit her but it didn't damage her at all. "I'm sorry! I didn't want to face the reality of what's happening, and I'm just scared to leave because of someone who mistreated me!" Shouted Tri in tears. She started to mumble words like I'm sorry and I'm no hero. But then everyone heard Tri start to scream in agony when she started glitching and then turned back to Delta. Rex without thinking threw the first punch, "AHAHAH! You shouldn't have done that! Yelled Delta before grabbing Rex and trapping him in an electric box, Rex started to scream in pain before he passed out. "LETS PLAY" shouted Delta in an insane tone.

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