Tri's Caretaker

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(Just a heads up this chapter is a bit much? So if you can't handle blood stuff or heavy actions then please don't read this.)                                                                                         After everyone calmed down, Rex told everyone about what to do next. Then Blaze out of nowhere yelled "to kill King Blix!" Everyone just looked at Blaze in pure confusion, "ok first we can't just kill him, he's to strong for us we need all four hero's with us." Said Ralph. "I know someone that can help us....but I don't know we're she is now." Said Pent. "Who is this shape that can help us?" Asked Ci. "Tri's caretaker...... Pepper." Pent said in a quiet tone. But Blue notices and told Pent something. "When the 4 corruption happened I just saw Pepper run off into the forest, that was the last time I ever saw her. She might be at the yellow kingdom trapped with Tri." Shouted Blue in a panic. "Well then how about I go to the yellow kingdom to look around and find Pepper." Asked Jade. Everyone agrees but before Jade left Blaze said if she could go and help. Rex, Ci, and Ralph had a blank face. "For the last time....we can't trust her! Just because she became a good guy doesn't mean we can trust her that fast!" Yelled Ci. Blue just walked to to Blaze telling that she can go with Jade. After several mins, Jade and Blaze told everyone they were about to leave, but a long chain came out of nowhere and grabbed Blaze's leg to which pulled her down slamming her to the ground. " traitor!!" Pepper came out of the forest, but she looked different then usual.

you traitor!!" Pepper came out of the forest, but she looked different then usual

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"You will die for leaving us Blaze!" Shouted Pepper. Blaze able to melt the chain she had around her leg, and shouted back. "You guys lied to me! You made me hurt so many shapes for no reason, and you guys lied to me about the story of shapes taking Blix's home away!" Pepper had an shock expression on her face. "You weren't suppose to know that" said Pepper quietly. Pepper looked around to see the hero's but she noticed that Pent was whispering and shaking a lot. "You... you all will die!" Yelled Pepper. Pepper summons another chain but with spikes at the end, and she threw it at Blue and the rest. Lucky Blue was quick and was able to block the attack with his shield. Ci summons both of his ax's and ran towards Pepper. Ci was able to get a few good hits at Pepper but was stopped when she grabbed Ci arm and tree him across the field. "You'll have to do better than that." Shouted Pepper. Blue realized that he has a freeze spell, Blue started to chant the spell and was able to hit Pepper with it. Her legs began to freeze, but she just chuckles and broke the Ice with her chain. "Your little trickery will not work on me, what a pathetic hero you are." Said Pepper. Quickly she was able to hit Blue multiple times. Pent summons his vines and was able to grab Pepper by her arms and legs making her not able to move. "Let me go!" Yelled Pepper "Why are you working for Blix! Your a queen protector of your own kingdom and hero! So why?!" Shouted Ralph. "I worked for Blix since the second failed corrupted happened, and why? Well it's because I was bored and I just wanted to spill some blood you know." Said Pepper while she laughed. "I also wanted to manipulate Tri to join but she wouldn't so I just abused her, I made her life a living hell for her!" Pepper laughed again in an insane tone. "You sick fuck! No wonder she has bandages all around her arms!" Yelled Pent almost crying. "Oh yeah also you don't want to save her, she is way beyond purifying if you go to her kingdom she will just kill all of you without hesitation." Said Pepper. Blue without thinking summons a weapon, a dagger...... he leaped I front of Pepper staving her with the weapon. Quickly everyone yelled at Blue to stop. "Blue stop your crazy!" Shouted Rex. Ralph quickly grabbed Pent head and covers his eyes. Blue continued to stab Pepper, Blaze and Jade hit Blue which launched him across the field. "Finally....I..I tried king Blix...... ar-are you proud?" Said Pepper weakly chocking on her own blood. Pepper passes away, Shocked everyone stayed silent. The only thing you can hear is Pent cry's and the wind. "Can someone close her eyes please....and cover her as well" said Jade quietly. Rex grabs a blanket they had and covered Pepper. "Ugh... my body hurts a lot, what happened?" Blue stood up but saw stains on his sweater and pants, but he raises his hands to see blood. Blue got a flashback on what happened, he falls to the ground covering his face and starts mumbling. Rex ran to Blue pushing him violently, "what the fuck is your problem!" Yelled Rex. He notices Blue condition, he sighs and hugs Blue telling him to relax.

 He notices Blue condition, he sighs and hugs Blue telling him to relax

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