Distant friendships

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After some hours, Blue managed to bring Frost to the camp site. Instantly Frost recognizes Jade. "Hey Jade! Remember me!" Shouted Frost waving his arms. "Hey Frost it's been a while since we saw each other!" Shouted Jade back. Blaze tells Blue that she need to talk to Jade for a second, blue tells Blaze that she doesn't need to ask to go somewhere or to talk to someone. Blaze starts walking up to Jade, but she sees Jade wrapping something quickly. "Hey Jade, what do you have there?" Questioned Blaze. Jade jumps in surprise, "Oh it's just a gift I made for you." Said Jade in a nervous tone. "For..... for me, why me?" Said Blaze in shock. "Well you are a new member and you helped a lot in our team so I wanted to thank you by giving you a gift." Explained Jade while giving Blaze the gift. Blaze smiled and opened the gift, all she saw was clothing. "Y u want me to try it on?" Asked Blaze. "If you want to, I wouldn't force you to put it on." Said Jade calmly. "Well I'll put it on now, just wait a sec ok" said Blaze while walking inside her tent. When Jade waited Frost came by and sat next to her. "So it's a been awhile, hows life treating you?" Said Frost. "Does it look like life treating me well?!" Said Jade before both of them start laughing. "I'm glad your back Frost, I actually missed you a lot." Said Jade. But before both started to talk Blaze comes out of her tent with her new outfit. "How do I look?" Asked Blaze. "Fits you well" said Frost. "You....you look beautiful." Replied Jade. Blaze in shocked by the answer started to blush a bit, but Blaze thanks Jade for the gift. Pent came and told Blaze, Frost and Jade that Blue called a meeting and he needs everyone there.

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So everyone took a seat and looked at Blue. "I called everyone here because of the plan not only we are going to the yellow kingdom to find Tri but we are going there to purify her." Said Blue. "But Blue didn't you remember what Pepper said Tri's beyond purifying meaning she's gone blue.....we can't save her." Said Ci "Hero's stick together no matter what, that's what Pent taught me, so I'm not leaving her behind!" Yelled Blue in an determined tone. "It May be a suicide mission but....I'm in!" Said Jade. Everyone else agreed to the plan. "Then we leave tomorrow morning" replied Blue.

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