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I do not own the song, the characters, and pictures. I just edited the pictures. However this story is mine, and please do not copy it. Be original.
Song: Fight Back
Artist: NEFFEX
Chapter Name: ⚠️ Déjà Vu ⚠️
This chapter has extremely graphic descriptions of a panic attack. Read at your own risk.



Shit, shit, shit, shit.

I just hit him—I just hit my mentor. Fuck, what the hell do I do? Will he hit me? No, you idiot. He's better than that. Stop making him look like the villain.

I try to calm myself down, and look up at Mr. Aizawa's face.

His face looks stern.

Is he gonna hit me?


Shinsou looks as if he's going to puke. Shouta gives him a stern, but seriously concerned look. That only seems to make things worse for the boy.

The lavender haired boy starts breathing faster, freaking Shouto out to the max. Shouta feels panic start to settle into his heart, with the two boys in front of him each having their own panic fest.

The tired father sighs, and takes Shouto in his left arm, and Hitoshi in his right. He pulls them into a tight group hug, hoping to keep the both of them grounded for some time. Shouto instantly melts into the hug, while Hitoshi struggles to comprehend which form of touch is good and which is bad.

Shouta notices this quickly of course, and gently lets go of the frightened child. He keeps a soft hand on the boy's shoulder to keep him from falling out of reality, which definitely works better for Hitoshi.

They all sit in silence for a moment, with Shouta hoping and praying that both boys would calm down after a moment full of comfort and quiet.

However, he's wrong, as usual.

Hitoshi starts to wail loudly, making Shouto jump off his knees; the peppermint boy had knelt down after Shouta had gently pulled Hitoshi to sit down on the floor. Aizawa swiftly pulls out his phone and sends a message to Nemuri as he tries to comfort the crying teenager.

Shouto starts to nervously look around the room, secretly making Shouta paranoid—it's not like he would ever admit that though.

Shouta follows the boy's eyes as they fly around the room. Both eventually end up staring at the same orange blanket that Shouto had bought as a form of merchandise for an anime he seemed to like. It has a school volleyball imprinted on it, representing the series. There's also a weird orange haired kid hugging a stubborn black haired teenager. Shouta just shrugs it off when he notices that Shouto is reaching out for it.

The tired man wisps his hand out and grabs the soft piece of fabric. He loosely wraps it around Shouto's shoulders so he can shrug it off if need be, but making sure it won't just fall off him.

Focusing his attention back on the hyperventilating teenager, Shouta grabs Hitoshi's blanket off his bed. This one is also merchandise; seemingly from an anime about pirates or something like that. In the middle of the blanket is a dumb looking kid with a straw hat.

Shouta gently attempts to wrap the blanket around the poor teenager. Hitoshi just pushes the fabric off of him, practically squirming away from Shouto and Shouta as he does that.

Fortunately, Nemuri walks through the door after that. She takes one look at the desperate look on Shouta's face, before releasing her quirk so the two cranky boys could finally get some sleep. Shouta plugs his nose as the sleep scent takes effect with the teenagers.


Closing the door behind him, Shouta heavily sighs as soon as he's out of the teenagers' bedroom. Nemuri laughs a little at Shouta's pain, and then slaps him on the back.

"Your face looked so pathetic in there. Nice job with taking care of them." Nemuri praises while joking. Shouta gives her a stern glare. The two stay quiet as they wander back to their rooms. They say goodnight and part ways.

Hizashi had gone out for patrol, leaving a sleeping Midoriya back in his room. Earlier, Shouta had removed anything that can be a threat to him, so he isn't all that worried that Izuku will try something again.

The loud blonde should be back anytime now, leaving a tired Shouta with nothing to do but go to bed.


Hizashi had been having an interesting day. First he wakes up to find out that Midoriya had tried to take his own life again, then he had spent the most of his day listening to the boy's sob stories, and now he's out on a very boring patrol.

No villains have been out that much recently thanks to the virus. Hizashi is grateful for the pleasant gesture the virus has brought, but it makes work oh-so boring nowadays.

"...Nope, nope, nope!" Hizashi can hear from off in the distance.

"Move it, you crazy bitch!" A familiar, yet haunting voice adds after that. The voices and whispering start to become louder, bringing a group of footsteps along with them.

Looking straight in front of him, running down the same street he's on, is two unfortunately familiar faces.

'Wait a fucking minute, how the hell are they here?' Hizashi yells in his head as the small group treads closer to the blonde. Hizashi face palms, and starts walking towards the two villains.

"Oh crap, Tomura! Look!" The blonde female stops in full throttle. She seems to be carrying a young child. Her green hair is in two pigtails, with her appearance making her only look six or seven. Her big eyes makes Hizashi freak at the resemblance between her and someone else he knows.

"Aw, shit." Mr. Hand-man growls out as he holds his hands protectively out protecting a group of kids behind him.

The first kid is a boy with dark green hair. He has part of his hair covering half of his face, and he looks to be around eleven. The second child is a young girl with indigo hair and ruby red eyes. She looks to be at least thirteen.

The third kid looks exactly like the young teenage girl, with the same indigo hair. Her eyes are different, however, with one being red, and the other indigo—matching her hair. She looks to be around the same age as the first young boy.

The fourth child is a boy who can't be older than eight. His body is covered in scars, making him look extremely frail. He has jet black hair, and sweet red eyes.

The last kid is a young girl, probably nine if Hizashi has to guess. She she has light purple hair with glossy indigo eyes—matching the other girls' hair color. She clings onto Shigaraki's leg, preventing him from moving.

Hizashi just stares at the group with shock. Tomura and Himiko do the same. The children watch the silent staring contest the adults are having.

That's when Hizashi realizes, 'Oh boy, how am I going to explain this to Shouta?'


Here's the other chapter lol, sorry this didn't post haha 😂

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