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I do not own the song, the characters, and pictures. I just edited the pictures. However this story is mine, and please do not copy it. Be original.
Song: Might+U
Artist: Makayla Phillips
Chapter Name: ⚠️ Insecurities ⚠️

T H I R D   P E R S O N   P O V

A week swiftly passes, as the new additions to the household gain trust with the others. Aizawa can't help but smile every time he sees Tamaki's soft smile when he looks at his younger sisters.

The household vibe has been happier lately, with everything being so peaceful and perfect.

Boy does Shouta wish that peace would stay where it belongs for once.


Doing his nightly stroll down the house hallways—which he started doing after Izuku's second attempt, just to make sure his kids are safe and sound, fast asleep—Shouta hears some noise downstairs. It's unusual at this hour really for any of the kids to be sneaking downstairs for ice cream, like they normally do if they get hungry.

Shouta hesitantly follows the sound. It gets louder as Shouta approaches the stairs. He believes he hears a drawer open and close in the kitchen, so the person is probably cooking or making something to eat. But who could it possibly be at this time of night? The only people awake should be the teachers.

Quickly making his way down to the first floor, he observantly looks around the room before moving. He doesn't expect to see Mina sitting against one of the giant windows with a knife in her hand.

Shouta's eyes widen as he swiftly jumps into action.

The tired teacher makes his way over to the young girl. He sits on the other side of the windowsill, making Mina aware of his presence without majorly startling the her.

When Mina turns her head to face the man, she doesn't run off like Izuku had. She just looks away in shame.

Shouta softly sighs, and gently places one of his hands on hers, gently pulling it away from her other hand, which is holding the knife. She doesn't attempt to say anything; she just sits patiently. Shouta uses his other hand to gently pry the knife out of Mina's hand. The pinkette lets a few tears fall.

Taking hold of the knife, Shouta stands up and puts it back in the drawer where it belongs.

The tired man sighs, and looks over to the window. Mina hasn't moved. Shouta takes a moment to compose himself, and then shuffles back over to where he was sitting beforehand. He sweetly picks up Mina's left hand, and places his right hand on her shoulder.

The alien girl slowly lifts her head up. She looks Shouta straight in the eye, making him soften his expression more. He half-heartedly smiles, making Mina relax.

"You're not alone in this, kid. Please don't forget that." Shouta states softly.

Mina takes a breath in, and then she exhales. She lets some more tears rain down out of her eyes. Aizawa steadily pulls the girl into a hug, making sure she can pull back if need be. She doesn't—as Mina melts into the comfort offered to her. She lays limp in Shouta's arms, listening to him saying "I'm proud of you" and "you can get through this."

The two stay like that for at least the next half hour. The silence in between them is much needed for Mina to have some time to calm down. While sitting around, Aizawa can swear that he hears some soft noise in the kitchen, but who knows?

Eventually, Mina springs up her courage to talk.

"I wasn't going to kill myself."

Shouta pulls back from the hug. Mina stares at him with her puffy eyes. Her lip is trembling, making Aizawa's mind flood with concern. Mina starts to fidget with her fingers, playing with the hem of her pajama shirt.

"I-I...tried to cut my horns off." Mina confesses shakily. Shouta's eyes widen in fear and shock. He instantly remembers the incident that Izuku had told him about with his toe. "They make me stand out. People always stare, it's uncomfortable."

Shouta cusses up a storm in his head. He knows Mina can't control any of her appearance, which makes him feel so guilty. This isn't something he can just make disappear. Mina is—and sadly probably always will get picked on for her appearance. She looks different than most humans. It isn't her fault, but Shouta wishes so badly he can do something to help her.

Aizawa shakes off his thoughts for now. He needs to focus on helping Mina feel better. "Look, kid. I'm not going to tell you to just ignore them—that doesn't work, believe me. There are unfortunately people out there who will always do that. But if you feel way too uncomfortable, sad, or scared, you can always come to me. I'll try my absolute best to help you. I swear on my pledge as a pro hero that I will always be here for you, alright?" Shouta sternly, but kindly explains to Mina.

Tears are now heavily streaming down both of their faces; not that Shouta knows that his face is tomato red.

Quiet footsteps stop next to the two. A familiar redhead kneels down next to Mina, as she clutches her mouth as she realizes that Kirishima had overheard their conversation.

"We all have our own insecurities. But just know that something you may not find beautiful about yourself, may be the best thing about you to someone else." Eijirou tenderly says to his best friend. "You were true one who said that to me back in middle school."

Mina starts to sob once more. Aizawa pulls the girl back into another hug, holding out his arm in case Kirishima wants to join.

He does.

The three stay silent and still, as they watch the night rain fall. It all brings them an unknown peace, letting them know that soon things would be alright. Everything would soon become normal—a good normal.

And when the two teenagers soon drift off to sleep, Shouta lifts them up carefully, and places them in their rooms.

He wanders back to his bedroom, seeing Hizashi changing into some pajamas. Shouta smiles, and heads into the bathroom to brush his teeth. While he does that, he looks up at the mirror attached to the wall. He stares at himself with fierce intentions.

Shouta sighs once more.

'I'll be better, for all of them. If they're trying, I'll try too.'

The tired man feels Hizashi's soft hands on his shoulders as he starts to cry for the second time that night, letting out his remaining feelings.

Hizashi doesn't mind. He stays anyway.


And I'm back! THANK YOU FOR 50k! ❤️❤️❤️

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