⚠️ 17 ⚠️

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"So, did my grandson treat you well hun?" Halmoeni ask sweetly while handing me the bowl of her very own Seaweed soup

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"So, did my grandson treat you well hun?" Halmoeni ask sweetly while handing me the bowl of her very own Seaweed soup.

A wide smile creep on my face as i take the bowl and nodded. Before answering I look at Taehyung who's holding my hand tight below the table. "Taehyung's amazing halmoeni."

Her eyes light up looking proud as she gave Taehyung a thumbs up while Taehyung shyly giggled. "I like your girlfriend Taetae. Keep her." she said which literally made my heart burst. No wonder Taehyung is amazing, he was born with loving grandparents.


"Thank you." i softly said leaning on Taehyungs chest while we where looking at the skies and stars above. We're at the veranda sipping some hot tea while listening to some old songs he personally pick that reminds him of the young Tae looking at his grandparents dance into it happily. Those old times always makes his heart full and being with her now makes it even more. Everything's perfect.

"Why?" he ask looking at my direction while wrapping his one arm in my waist, trying to pull me closer until there''s no space left.

I gave him a brief smile."For showing me the real you. I never thought you've be this loving to your grandparents. I wish i could let you meet mine but sadly, they already passed away before I could even stay here in Korea." i sigh remembering those times me and my family would go on a short vacation here in Sokor so we could spent time with our oldies but sadly they were taken away early than expected. He softly squeeze my shoulders still looking at the sky.

"You can always have them as your grandparents Chaeng. I wouldn't mind."

"Really? Well, now I conclude I'm lucky indeed to have you." i beamed
turning up so we could share a soft kiss.


"Halmoeni?" Taehyung groan as he followed both me and his grandma on the guestroom.

"Don't me Tae!Just because your old enough it doesn't mean you can sleep with your girlfriend. Not in this house boy." His grandma tease though strict enough for her beloved grandchild to grunt but follow suit.

"But this is the only time we can spend each other halmoeni. I thought you want a grandchild more than anything on this world?" Taehyung reasoned out trying again to convince his grandma.

Halmoeni shove off his hands who's trying to hold on to it while he pouts like a little boy. "Of course we want one but not until you put a ring on this lovely girl." She said pulling me closer as i giggled shyly.

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