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Sitting awkwardly, they didn't even begun talking. Confrontations are left unsaid. Both are confuse and internally scolding themselves fpr not even realizing the diference between each others identities. From the sound of their voices to the way their jobs is, from the familiar places they've seen when they videocall. They both totally dumbfounded. Speechless.

Shocked but not disappointed.Infact they both  are relieved that it was just the both of them from the beginning. It was like fate brought them here when infact the last person they don't wanna see tonight is each other. But the way they glaze in the moonlight as cold breeze feels the air make everything seems right.

That it was meant to be.

Both sitting on the bench with minimal space between them, hands are on each sides and as they look on the serene river, their hands slowly find each other. Without words, it intertwined. And inspite the coldness and the fast beating hearts, when their hands touch it sends warmness on their hearts.

"So, it's you." Chaeyoung softly says breaking the silence.

"Yeah,and it's always been you." Taehyung replied.

After almost an hour of just sitting down silently Taehyung stood up still holding Chaeyoungs hand. "Let's go. I'll take you home." he said but she just shake her head ,face fixated on the view.

"I want to go with you." she whispered. She do have a lot of things to clarify to Tae but she's having a hard time telling him everything. She made up her mind and she wants to tell him what she feels. Afraid he'd refuse since it took a long time for him to reply, Chaeyoung pleads."Please."

Taehyung nodded. "Okay." And they both silently walk to his car.

Taehyung brought her to his apartment and still stood on the edge of his door Chaeyoung doesn't know what to do. She's afraid she'd do something he'd be uncomfortable of. Though staying over in his house was the usual thing they do and it's mostly like her home already but the  situation they're in is still not fix and Chae doesn't know if Taehyung still considers her his girlfriend or not.

Taehyung was already almost on his room when he realized Chae was still reluctant to move. "What are you doing? Come here." he said a bit impatient since the girl is still not moving so he walk pass her and grab his arms and slowly drag her to his room.

Both layed in bed,Taehyung back hug her.

Chaeyoung tries to build up her confidence and go with her plan."Taehyung,we should talk abou-"

"Shhhhh..Let's talk tomorrow Chae. I'm so tired and all I want right now is you here in my arms." he said and wrap her tightly in his arms and leaned his head on the crook of her neck. God, he misses her so much and he doesn't want to let her go yet. He's afraid she'd choose Eunwoo over him and if this would be the last day he could stay with her, he's fine with it. But for now, he just wants her here with his side.


It's already 3am when Chaeyoung woke up still in Taehyungs arms. She tried to turn to face him and was surprise that he's still awake.

"Why are you still awake?" she ask brows in thin line

"I can't sleep."he briefly answers as embrace her more, pulling her on his chest.

"C-can we talk now?" she whispered softly which he nodded hesitantly

She shake her head as she looks at him."I've talk to him Tae. He told me he still loves me and leaving me wasn't his plan. He left because of a threat from 3 Saesangs." i started still looking at him trying to see what he feels but Taehyung was just staring blankly anywhere but me. It's really hard to know what's on his mind. I sigh hard and continued.

"He wants me back Tae."

This time he looked at me with a painful expression. I cup his face and moved forward to lean on his forehead. "I admit, i still have something for him deep in my heart Tae afterall,we've been together for 4 years. We've manage to keep it strong for all those years until it happened." I didn't even know tears are starting to fall down my eyes. I've decided and i know this is for the best. Though it's hard to choose but I gotta do what i gotta do.

Whether it be Eunwoo or Taehyung, someones going to be hurt so I don't wanna take it long. After so much thought, I've choosen what's best and what's right.

I leaned more until my lips brush into his, he was biting his lips and I vould taste the blood coming from it. He wasn't talking but he was holding everything. Every word breaks his heart and his afraid its going to be an endgame for them.

If only he didn't let her talk and if only he pretended to sleep just so he could have more hours with her. He should have been greedy but he knows she was right. They need to talk. But it's too painful. And he's afraid to lose her. Not yet. Not when he just found our she's R who he manage to cherish without even meeting her. Not when he just found out that the two women he had feelings

He shake his head like he doesn't want to listen anymore as tears streaming down his face but i tightly cup his face.

"Taehyung, i love him."

"But i love you more."

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