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Taehyungs POV

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Taehyungs POV

I slump my body in my bed as I continuously dialled Chaeyoungs number. She's not answering or I'd rather say, she turned her phone of for me to stop calling her. I gritted my teeth as i hopelessly drop my phone on the floor as i covered my head with a pillow.

I know i fucked uo but I really don't know what to do. This memories are haunting me while I'm trying to figure out who's the three woman in my life. - Sowon, R and Chaeyoung.

Unfortunately, i couldn't find my old phone and I've been looking it since I got back yesterday. It bothers me and also one more thing that bothers me is Chaeyoung is with Jungkook. I've been thinking about her and R since last night. I grunt in frustration as several thoughts are running through my head when my door forcefully sprung open. I was about to snap the intruder when a high pitch voice woke me from my angry stance. "What the fuck Taehyung! ARE YOU REALLY IGNORING ME NOW?!" Sowon barge in inside my room. I could see the boys trying to stop her but knowing her, she's unstoppable. I sat up brows up.

"What do you want Sowon?" i lazily said eyeing her indifferently. Tell you the truth, she's been pissing me off. She's been nagging for my time as if she holds it that I'm getting really tired. I didn't even miss her a bit which I wonder why i even agreed for our engagement before. I'm starting to doubt myself for believing her. She's been constantly showing me her scars on her wrist like it shows I was the one inflicted her to do it. Which i do think i may partly be to blame but I don't know. She's weird most of the time and I'm starting to think that she's been manipulating me for if not, then why do I have memories of Chaeyoung and R?Why there's another two woman involved when I'm suppose to be inlove with Sowon.

A mystery i badly want to solve.

Sowon folded her arms around her chest. It's been weeks Taehyung. You've been away and when you got back you barely communicated on me and you don't even give a single fuck about me- your girlfriend! " i rolled my eyes. Here we go again. This is the main reason i never showed up in her place. She's always nagging me like we're already married when I still have my freedom intact.

I didn't even bother letting her sit and stood up. Taking my coat of the rack. "The last time I check, i told you I wanted space Sowon. Have you ever remember that?" i tried to remind her. She shook her head ferociously. "There's no way I'm letting you do that Taehyung!"

I turned around to face her not afraid of her threats. "Why? Do you have the right Sowon? This is my life. I'm getting tired of you nagging around. Can you atleast leave me in peace?"

Just then she was hysterical. Running beside me. "Did Chaeyoung asked you to do that? Are you getting back with that bitch that's why you're neglecting me?!" she was so mad as she pounch my chest. It's not hard enough but I could feel the pain in her eyes as she sob heavily. But, i didn't feel anything. Not even sympathy. Why?

She pulled my hand and shove it on her wrist." Look! She did this to me! Can't you remember what I told you last time?! She asked me to kill myself Taehyung! Threatening me that she'll harm you if i won't leave you. I was so Desperate all this time Taehyung! Are you even out of your mind? I'm your fiance yet you just let that woman do this to me? I'm so depressed eversince you fucking married and left me and now that I have you back are you going to leave me again for that stupid manipulating bitch?!! " she's already shouting showing me all her scars as she grips on my hand.

I'm losing shit honestly. I don't feel anything for her yet i felt like it was all my fault. She slump on the floor crying heavily." Do you know that she sent me a death threat again? She told me you fuck her. Was that true Taehyung?" i...... I was stunned. Did really Chaeyoung purposely have sex with me just to get even?

"DID YOU KIM TAEHYUNG??!" Sowon shouted.

I couldn't even look at her properly. I..... I don't know what to say. Did Chaeyoung plot a revenge for me so I would  leave Sowon?

"I.... I......" i stammered. Looking down and confuse as hell.

Sowon slap my hands as she cries. "You did! Yes you two did! Don't you lie Taehyung i can see it in your face." she was trembling and hysterical. I had to hold her hand and stopped her and lock her in my embrace just so she would stop. She was crying heavily as she leans on my shoulders . "Please Taehyung. Don't ever leave me." she begged.

I really don't know what to do. I'm so lost. But i dont feel anything to her. But i felt like i had to protect her. I balled my fist thinking how could Chaeyoung do this. She even told Sowon about what happened to us yet she left me all alone. Now i think Chaeyoung sure wants me down. She wants her revenge. I was so close to believing her yet she's so wicked to the extent of doing crazy things like threatening  Sowon to kill herself. That's too much to handle. I really must protect Sowon inspite this uncertain feelings.

"Yes. I'm never going to leave you." i whispered trying to calm her down.

Little did i know Sowon was smiling as she close her eyes feeling each touch Taehyung makes as he pats her back. She never received any message. Nor did she knows that something happened to them. It was a bluff. She said it to confirm her gut feelings. She's been thinking what could have been the cause why Taehyung starts to get sour and the only person she knows could do it is Chaeyoung.

She grits her teeth though knowing that it was true. Taehyung did have sex with Chaeyoung.

That bitch!
I'll make sure to ruin her life for trying to take Taehyung away from me again.
I'm never going to be soft with this.
If i need to wipe her off of this earth then i would.
By all means.

By all means

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