BF - He calls you fat

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Hi there beauties. Before you proceed reading, I just want to tell you all that you are beautiful no matter what other people say.



You have a history of being obese. Who would have thought that you were once a 250 pound girl and lost more than half of it.

You were really insecure about your weight because everytime someone says that you're 'fat you should lost some weight' or 'your thighs are heavier than my body', you have the habit of not eating until you are satisfied or you reached your ideal weight which is absolutely not healthy.

You haven't tell y/b/n, your bofriend for 4 years, about you being obese on your teenage life because he might be disgusted or worst break up with you.

Lately you've been feeling so stressed because the exam week was comming and the only thing that makes you survive was EATING.

You don't pay attention about your weight because your mind, body and soul are focused on studying and you didn't know you are slowly getting big again.

Your pov

I got home an hour earlier since I feel a little dizzy from studying for 40 hours all day (ey twoset violin anyone?) I removed my shoes and leave it somewhere and go straight into our shared room.

As I walked in the corridor, I heard some muffling from our bedroom so I walk silently towards to that room and hear y/b/n talking to someone on the phone.

"I don't know mate, she's getting bigger and bigger everyday," he said on the phone. I feel a little hurt but keep listening as I'm hoping it wasn't me he's talking about.

"Y/n is eating so much lately. I didn't know if I can still lift her up," he added. There was the time that I felt something stabbed on my heart as I hear those words comming out from his mouth.

I don't want to hear further in their conversation anymore so I went downstairs and drink some water to ease the pain. But it wasn't helping. I put the glass on the counter top, my head facing the ground as tears comming from my eyes.

The bullying and the harsh criticisms people told me before kept flashing on my head and it makes me cry out loud.

I heard someone comming down the stairs and I tried to wipe my tears off but a pair of arms wrapped around my waist. "What's the matter babe? Stressed at school? Wanna talk to me about it?" He asked as he turns me around to face him.

His arms are still on my waist. I kept silent. Holding my tears. "Look at me," he said and I lift my head up to look at him. That's it. I can't hold my tears anymore. "You said I'm fat," you spat at him as more tears fall down from your eyes.

"You heard me?" He whispered and I nodded. "You don't know my past..." "What do you mean?" He asked confused. I took out my phone from my pocket. I show him the picture of mine when I was 16. "Look at her. It's me. Now you have the reason to break up with me because as you said I was getting fatter and i'm turning into a monster again and I -" I felt his lips crashed into mine. It lasts long and I can feel his love from that kiss.

He pulls out from the kiss. He hugged me and kissed my forhead. He looked at my swollen eyes. "I love you not because of your body. I love you because you are you. I'm sorry if you heard those words from me. And it breaks my heart to call yourself a monster," he said. "I'm stressed at school. The exams are comming and I can't contain myself to eat and-" "shush shush. It's ok," he rubbed my back. "Come let's go to bed and rest," he suggests.

After that night, I wasn't getting insecure anymore....


Thank you for reading❤

I hope you like it.

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