BF - Your birthday present for him

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Normal pov,

Next week was your boyfriend's birthday. You couldn't think of a gift for him so you searched on Pinterest for some ideas.

"This one is so cute," you squeaked in excitement.

The idea you found was something you've never done before. It was a surprise box filled with pictures, love letters, and an item in the middle.  (See the picture below)

  (See the picture below)

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(Photo not mine. Full credits to the rightful owner)

You decided to get some pictures first as you already knew what item to buy, which was a watch, so you decided to go to his parents' house when he's gone to work.

Your pov,

I was in front of y/b/n parent's house and I knocked on the door.

"Hi Mrs. H/l/n (his last name)," I greeted. "Oh hi y/n, please come in," she welcomed and gave me a hug.

We both sat on the couch. "It's been really nice to see you. So... What brought you here, sweetie, is there a problem?" She asked, eyes filled with a little concern.

"Nice meeting you too and no, there's no problem," she sighed in relief.

"Actually I went here to ask something for y/b/n's birthday next week," I trailed. "Uhm... I would like to ask if I could have some of his childhood photos because I saw on pinterest about a surprise box?"

"Of course sweetheart," she smiled. "Wait for me, I gotta go and get the photo albums," she said as she stood up and went upstairs.


"Here you go, sweetie," she handed me the box. "There's a lot of it, isn't it?" I laughed.

"Oh look at this one," she said, showing me the picture. "I took this photo when we were at the beach and he's having tantrums because he can't get an ice cream," we both giggled.


"I think these pictures are enough," I said. 

"Sure y/n, you can come here again if you would like more," she suggested.

"Thank you so much again."

"Don't mention it," she smiled and led me to the door. "Goodbye y/n, drive safely."

"Thank you and I'll see you soon bye," I replied, walking towards the car.

When I get home, I quickly hid the pictures from him. The next day when he's out all day, because of work, obviously, I started making the present. I'm so excited on his reaction.

"He'll be pissed with these pictures," I thought, laughing.


Part 2 will be titled, "BF - You give him your present."

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