Crush - From afar

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Second pov,

You were sitting on the bench with your two friends during lunch, chitchatting about the annoying girls at school, crap class schedules, unlimited projects and assignments and other things.

Break time was your favorite time of the school week because since you and your friends had different class schedules, the three of you didn't have much time to hang out.

You trust them with your sercets and they do the same to you. You all know the flaws, weaknesses, greatest secrets, strengths, favorites, and all of the whole story of each other.

"So y/f1/n, how was your date yesterday?" You asked, biting a sandwhich. "Did he treat you well?"

"Of course, you have no idea," she blushed. "He's the best boyfriend I had so far I think he's the one," she added.

You and y/f2/n rolled your eyes and laughed. "Yeah right."

"But how 'bout you y/f2/n, next week is your anniversary right?" Y/f1/n asked. "Do you guys have plans?"

They kept talking and talking about their boyfriends. You have to admit you were a little bit jealous, but you were happy for the both of them.

"Y/n look, is that y/c/n?" Y/f2/n squeaked, hitting your arm in excitement. You turned your head and see who she was talking about and you saw y/c/n.

Your whole world stopped, as if the time freezed. Your eyes widened, heart was pounding, and your body was paralyzed. It was him, your love, the one and only.

"Hey earth to y/n, hellooooooo," y/f1/n waved her hand in front of your eyes that snapped you out of the dream world.

"Y/n i think you have to confess it's been years."

Your eyes widened and inhaled a lot of air which could have flooded your lungs. "NOOOOO."

They both laughed "chill girl."

Your pov,

I looked at y/c/n again. Tears started to form around my eyes as reality hits me that I could never be with him. It hurts so bad to think that my love, was so so close to me but unreacheable. I think they were right, I have to confess but I don't know where to start.

"How?" I asked in a monotone voice. Their giggle subsided as they saw me being serious. "How to confess?"

"Just tell him," y/f2/n said, "Be yourself. Do it once and for all say what you have to say, that's it."

"I agree. But you must have a plan." Y/f1/n added. "See that slut, the girl in the pink tank top hoodie? She's your biggest obstruction. Get rid of her, then your chance will go higher."

I gulped. That girl in the pink tank top was Samantha (sorry if this is your name. Feel free to change), the so-called goddess of all bullies.

This is not good.

I was once became her target but thankfully she suddenly forgot. She once threw books at me, painted bad words on my locker, spilled juice all over my clothes, and anything an evil person could ever do. I didn't questioned why she just stopped bullying me because why not? I should be thankful.

"W-what can you suggest?" I unconsciously stuttered.

"I have a plan."

What do you guys think? I'll try to upload part 2 this week. Please consider voting, thank you❤❤

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