BF - You get hurt (Part 2)

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His pov,

I was sitting next to my mother's bed. She was sleeping peacefully. Thank god the car accident wasn't that serious. I took a leave from school for 3 days so I can take care of her.

It's nearly 10 and I remembered this was the usual time for y/n to come home because she has a meeting to attend for their club so I sent her a message.

Babe I can't pick you up. My mother called me she's in the hospital I have to stay with her for the night🥺 Be careful on your way home❤."

"It's ok love don't worry I can walk myself home. Just stay there with your mother. Gotta go I'll text you when I get home😘,"she replied.

Forthy-five minutes have passed and she hasn't texted me yet. Normally, it only took us 20 minutes to go home. Sometimes 30 minutes if we stop by the bakery.

I tried to message her but as soon as I open my phone I saw a notification that she texted me. I felt a great relief until I read her message.

From y/n: Sone ones folkowing mr

My eyes widened from the words I saw on my screen. It has a lot of typo but legible enough to understand.

I tried calling her but it went straight to voice message. I sprinted out to my car and call Jake (y/b/n brother's name but if you want to change it, it's up to you) to accompany my mother.

As I was driving I called the police and told them what happened. "Don't worry sir we will inform you if we saw her. We will do everything we can." "Thank you please be quick," call ended.

The hospital was 4 kilometers away from our apartment so I was really hoping they find her safe soon. As I was driving the police called me.

"Sir we found her on the street near the intersection and we will bring her to (hospital's name),"

"What happened?,"

"it's better if you're here sir"

"I'm on my way"


"I'm here for y/n y/l/n, what's her room number?" I asked the front desk (I don't know what it's called hehe✌). "Room 2194," she said looking at the computer. "Thank you," I replied.

I saw the door with the room number the staff gave me. My heart was pounding so fast as if it will jump out of my chest. I'm scared to open the door and see her. My head was in a huge debation, thinking any possible circumstances.

I slowly opened the door to see her laying on the bed, bruises all over her face and body. The monitor was heard around the room, silence taking over. Tubes connected from her mouth to the oxygen tank. I can't take this sight in front of me, tears flow easily on my cheeks.

"My baby..." The only thing I could say.


Should I do part 3?

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