BF - Unread texts

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Your pov,

I woke up in our bed, thick blanket wrapped around my body.

I had been feeling like crap. It's because this afternoon I caught up in the rain while forgetting the umbrella on the way home.

"Achuuu," I sneezed with a tissue in my hand. I looked around, trying to focus despite of my throbbing head if there was any sign of him but I got nothing.

Where is he?

I looked at my phone to check the time and it says 6:00.

confusing, he gets home by 5

I slowly stood up, hoping that my head wouldn't hurt, I was wrong. My head was swirling as if I'm in a speeding roller coaster. I hissed in pain but continued to walk.

"Babe? Y/b/n? Where are you?," no one answered.

I went to the kitchen, bathroom, living room, under the toilet, under the sink, and all the corners of the house but he was nowhere to find.

I sat on the couch and texted him.

To: ❤y/b/n❤

Love where are you?

Are you busy?

My head hurts

Can you come home now?

His pov,

I was very busy at work. Our boss was giving us a hard time on our new project. The worst part was, my phone died. I knew y/n was waiting for me, I knew she's worried sick.

I went to the car and drove as fast as I could trying not to break any single law. I charged my phone on the way.

When I got home, I opened the door silently, expecting she was asleep. When I stepped inside, the lights are on.

I walked further in and I saw her figure laying on the cold floor.

"Y/n," I sprinted towards her.

I held her body on my lap and look for her phone since mine was on my pocket, halfway charged.

"What's the password? I need to call an ambulance," I panicked. "Oh right there's no password for emergency."

"Hello emergency? We need an ambulance. I-I found my girlfriend on the floor, unconcious. Our address is (insert address). Please be quick thank you," I said as I hold her hand.

The paramedics came and brought her to the hospital.

Your pov,

I slowly opened my eyes, adjusting myself from the lights. Tube connected to my arm and a beeping sound was heard so I assumed I was in the hospital.

I turned my head to my left side and I saw y/b/n sleeping on the chair uncomfortably.

"Love?" I whispered. He didn't moved a bit so I carefully sat up, holding my forehead as it still hurts a little. "Y/b/n?" I called again but this time a little louder.

"How are you feeling babe?" He asked yawning. "I'm fine, a little dizzy," I answered.

He stood up and sat on my bed. He held my hands and said. "I read your texts. Sorry I was busy lately and last night my phone died. I'm so sorry, please forgive me," tears fall down on his cheeks.

"It's ok love, I know your doing this for me, for us, I understand, please don't cry. I forgive you," I wiped his tears off.

"I love you"

"I love you too"


Hey beauties, sorry for late update. Kinda busy these days because of school. Hope you liked this one.

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