Crush - Too much

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HAPPY 60th CHAPTER!!!!!!!

WARNING: This concerns about shitty parents so... If you're not comfortable with it, please read the other chapters instead of this.

This one was actually seating on my drafts for so long already so I decided to finish it and let you guys read so it won't go into waste.

Thank you for your patience, your requests are in the process. I love you all ❤❤❤

Your pov,

Is it normal to feel not normal?

Is it ok to feel not ok?

Is it good to feel not good enough?

I couldn't take this anymore. It was just so hard for me. How could I do something if I don't even know how to do it? How could I achieve something if I don't have the will to stand and start walking towards the journey? What should I do? I did my best but still, it wasn't enough. I want to be better, but almost everyone around me kept telling me I couldn't.

I was sitting in my decent room. Laptop on the desk while tons of papers surrounded it. My eyebags were prominent as if someone punched me twice. My hair was messy in a way that I couldn't know when was the last time I washed it. My body is starting to fail.

Christmas break is coming (YAAAAAy) and instead of having a hot chocolate drink with lots of marshmallows in it, here I was, isolating myself in the room trying to reach the deadline of my school works. I like to do it though, I really am. I'm just tired and exhausted and wanting to just have a pamper day alone to relax my whole body. But I don't have time.

Don't get me wrong. I could handle school, alone, but the criticisms from my own family weren't helping at all.

"You're not good enough."

"Why can't you be like your sister?"

"You're a disgrace to the family."

"You were not the daughter we wanted."

It was too much. All of my life, what I only did is to fulfill all their wishes. When I wanted to play guitar, they made me took painting. When I wanted to write, they burned all my papers and journals. And when I want them as my parents, they treated me like trash and nothing.

Thankfully y/c/n was there all along.

He was my friend since the day his family moved just a few streets away from our house. He knew me more than my parents ever did. He knew when something was wrong. He knew what to do to make me laugh. I don't know why but... he just knew.

One day there was a school fair and I was stood up by my date but you know what y/c/n did? He brought me food. It was cliche and simple but it was everything for me.

Second POV,

"Seriously? a B? Couldn't you do better than that? If I knew you're going to be that stupid, I shouldn't have sent you to school. You are fucking moron" your father ripped the test report into pieces and shoved them to your face. Surprisingly, you weren't crying. You just stared down at the scattered pieces of paper on the floor. Your father gave you a sigh before exiting the kitchen. At that time, you regretted showing it tk him.

Sitting on the bench, you waited until the pocket watch on your palm turned 3:00 P.M. you'd been in you and y/c/n usual meeting spot for good three hours. You hadn't eaten anything yet and your stomach was complaining but you didn't care at all. All you need now was your best friend, y/c/n.

"Is everything alright?" a familiar voice echoed behind you. Fidgetting your fingers, your eyes never left the ground. "I know something's wrong."

"It's nothing."

"I'm all ears."

And that was your cue. You looked at him seeing his concerned face that you never wanted to see. After the first stray tear fell down, your eyes were flooded. A few seconds later you were sobbing, crying all your tears out. On the other hand, y/c/n didn't say anything. He didn't know what to say. For the first time in years, his mind was blank on how to make you happy. Crying with you, he engulfed you with the warmest hug in the world. Arms surrounded your shaking figure while whispering "shhh" sounds to try calming you down.

And it worked.

A few minutes later, you calmed down like the sea after the storm. You pulled away from the hug and managed to say a word. "Thank you."

"You ok? Wanna talk about it?"

You told him how your parents treated you, how they would put you down instead of encouraging you, how would they dictate your every action, and how crap of the parents they were. Y/c/n wasn't mad, he was furious. "I'll talk to my mom, you're living with us."

"But how about my parents?"

"You're turning 18 next week right?" you nodded. "Then let's celebrate your freedom.

You smiled and suddenly your stomach complained again. Y/c/n laughed contagiously "Come on, let'e eat."

What do you think about this one?

Is it too short?

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I love you all!!!

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