Crush - Under the same stars (Part 1)

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cursed words.

Your pov,

it was 5:00 in the afternoon, I'm in my cabin along with my two closest friends. we decided to spend our summer in a summer camp where our teachers can teach us different languages which are Korean, Chinese, Japanese , Spanish, and French.

My friend and I chose to learn Korean while the other went for French. And him? He chose Japanese.

I've already spent a month in this camp. I've got friends and I'm having a lot of fun learning new languages but I miss my mom. But well, at least he's here - I mean, my friends. Oh my he's really driving me crazy.

But what's not to like about him? He's perfect for me - I mean he's the most perfect human being in the world. He's nice, he's cu-

"Uhm, mic test, one two," a voice, Mrs. Valencia's voice came out of the microphone making me jump and lose my train of thoughts.

"Attention girls and boys! We're gonna have a surprise activity for today. But, It's not about language and culture, it's about having fun! We're gonna spend the whole night star gazing. Now, You all have 30 minutes to get ready and watch that sunset. Don't forget to bring some snacks and your coat. Again you only have 30 minutes."

Shoot! Stargazing?!? With him? shit.

"Hey dude! Stargazing with the boisssss. If I were you, I'd take this chance to confess to him," said y/f1/n (your friend's name number 1).

"come on y/f1/n. Just let her decide if the timing is perfect. look at her she's blushing," said y/f2/n (your friend's name number 2).

"Oh shut up you two! There'll be nothing romantic and special about this night. It'll just watching old gaseous balls which are light years away," I lied. Of course I love stargazing.

"Ok fine Einstein. Anyway let's get ready before Mrs. Valencia gets pissed and starts shouting like she used to do in school," we all giggled and start getting ready.

...Time skip...

"Hey! y/n/n (your nickname)," a very familiar voice cooed. F*ck I love that voice.

"Au revoir bitch," y/f1/n said while dragging y/f2/n, leaving me alone with y/c/n. they are bitches most of the time but they know when to leave at the right moment. Perfect.

"Oh hi, y/c/n," I responded with a smile.

"Well, it's getting dark. I'm excited about stargazing. I love watching stars. How 'bout you?"

"Yeah I also like watching stars." I smiled... with you of course.

We were sitting in a nice cold field watching the sun sets.

the blinding orange-yellow color of the sun really complements the blue sky. the wind is cold, yet, it somehow calms me.

"You know I've always wondered why sunsets are more beautiful than the sunrise," y/c/n whispered, still looking at the view.

He smiled at me. It's rea;;y nice seeing his warm smile. We sat there in silence but it's not actually an awkward one. It's very relaxing.

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