BF - He cheats on you (Part 4)

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So this is the last part...

I couldn't stop crying while writing this. I was listening to "River Flows in You" by Yiruma. link attached above.

Your pov,

It wasn't easy to lose someone. It wasn't easy to forget the years of us being together in just a day, it might take forever. Most of the people consider it as a challenge to most of the couples but for me, mistakes were mistakes. It was very hard to take, as every inch of my body is craving for his touch, kisses, and smell. I was used to him being around, not an empty world surrounded by cold air and bitter feeling

Today was supposed to be our anniversary as a couple. It had been 8 months since the last time I saw him. I have to be honest that I still have feelings for him but not as strong as it was before. It was very clear to me that I couldn't forget, but at least, I have to move on.

He never stopped calling me, texting me, trying to reach out on me again and again saying sorry for what he did. He only says the same thing - I want you back.

Did I make the right choice?

I didn't know what to do anymore. I couldn't eat properly, sleep peacefully, do what I want without thinking of him for a mere second, my life became a mess.

What I did was actually the right thing. moving on takes time, better than being with him and thinking everyday with a picture of him and a girl swirling around my head.

Or is it?

I went to an old friend of mine outside the city. The time she opened the door and saw me, a big grin took over her face but not with mine, I don't think I could be happy again. I know she saw it and needed to have a talk - A girl to girl talk. We sat down on the sofa in the living area and tears around my eyes couldn't stop to form on my eyes.

"What happened y/n?" and that was my cue. Sobs and cry were the only thing heard around the house. She was patting my back while I cried on her shoulder. This was what I needed. I'd been keeping this to myself for so long that I forget to be myself. Minutes had passed and I was starting to relax. She took this as an opportunity to say what was in her head.

"What happened," she repeated.

"He cheated on me,"

"I'm so sorry y/n. When did this happened?"

"Eight months ago."

Y/f/n didn't know how to react. She knew me as a strong and lively y/n and seeing me in this state, she was sad. "How did you know?"

"I went inside our apartment to surprise him me being there and I saw him kissing a girl in our own bed. He tried to be with me again but I'm scared. I don't know what to do anymore," she hugged me so delicately as I cried in her arms. This is the friend I need.

"Then let's go forget him," I looked up at her. "You need to move on y/n. As a friend, seeing you like this makes me break. So all you need is a new life."

Am I going to forget y/b/n totally?

Do I still want to be with him?


"This is a terrible idea y/f/n I'm telling you," I said checking myself on the mirror.

"You already said yes so there's no way getting back."

Y/f/n prepared a date for me with his friend's friend. A year had passed already and with the help of y/f/n, I was starting to move on. I started to gain the weight I lost, I could now sleep without waking up to cry, and I could now be happy without thinking about him.

Finally I moved on. But still, there's a part of me still was missing.

I headed to a newly opened restaurant around the place. I entered and saw a Thomas, my date. He smiled at me and walk towards my direction. I smiled back and we both sat to the designated seats.

"Hi I'm Thomas but you can call me tom."

"Hi Tom, I'm Y/n."

My past with y/b/n didn't end up in a happy ending. Maybe It was a challenge not for us as acoupe but with him and I individually. I'm not used to have dinner with a stranger in front of me but this time I know, It would turns out to a whole new love story...

You guys wanted y/b/n and y/n to be in separated ways and I agree. My father cheated on my mother as well so writing this made me look back at my past.

What are you guys feeling right now?

Have you experienced or saw someone being cheated on?

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