BF - Dealing with anger

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Happy 15k reads everyone. Thank you all so much for your endless support. Labya❤❤❤

Your pov,

I hate it when he's mad. Whenever
y/b/n was angry he turns into someone I'm not familiar with. I understand him because sometimes life has been very difficult to everyone. And it's normal. I'm just very lucky he hasn't getting physical because he loves me, he's an angel.

Today is one of those normal "difficult days". He failed his math and chemistry although he studied everyday until night, and on top of that his new phone broke and was forced to walk home in the rain.

He was sitting on the couch playing who knows what. His eyebrows furrowed, jaw clenched, bad mood were seen everywhere in his face and body, I can't even form a word to invite him to dinner. And that stupid game was not helping at all.

I love him and I don't want him to be hungry and angry at the same time so I gathered all the courage I have left and walked towards him.

"Y/b/n time for dinner," I softly said.

He just scoffed and answered "I'm not hungry go away" without looking at me. I sat next to him, making sure to keep a little space between us.


"WHICH PART OF I'M NOT HUNGRY DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND?!?" he spat, veins in his neck started to shown. I flinched a little from his sudden outburst.

I don't like his state to be like this.

"But you have to relax, everything's going to be alright I promise. You have to eat, plea-" he cut me off again but this time he grabbed my shoulders tightly, I'm sure it will leave bruises later.

"First of all, everything is not alright and for the second time I'm not hungry so you should leave me alone because your not helping," he said in clenched teeth.

I'm not giving up.

I placed my hands on both of his cheeks hoping to calm him down but what I felt is his high temperature. "Babe you have a fever" he slapped my hand and grabbed the controler to continue the game.

"Who cares?" he said but this time in a more relax tone.

"I am! You have a fever so I'll be right back," I stood up and went to the kitchen to grab the medicine and made some soup. After like 20 minutes I went back to where he was and gave him the tray.

"Here drink this soup first, then the medicine. I'll be in our bedroom if you need me," after that I went upstairs and read a book on the bed.

I'm not angry nor disappointed. I'm just worried.

After some time I heard a familiar voice, "How can you do that?" I turned my head to its direction and saw him.

"Do what?" I closed my book and placed it on the bedside table.

"You know dealing with my stupid mood, if I were you I would leave me now," his face sadden. I just gave him a small smile and opened my arms.

"Come here."

He obeyed and hugged me, him on top while our legs entangled together. "I'm sorry," he whispered on my neck sending shivers throughout my body.

"It's okay, everyone's going through difficulties I understand that," I felt him smiling against my neck and his warm breath gave me goosebumps. "I love you so much you know that?"

"I know it very much. Now go to sleep, let's talk about what was bothering you tomorrow ok?" He hummed in response. "And I love you more."

1 MONTH! 1 month since the last tume I updated this book. Sorry for that Beauties. This one had been sitting on my draft for so long and I decided to upload it now as I was so busy for school works.

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