BF - When you're upset

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Second pov,

You know yourself that you are  talkative and your boyfriend finds it very attractive.

The way you talk, your sweet voice, your never-ending energy, he loves it. So, when you're quiet he knows something's wrong.

One day when you were home from school, you immediately went straight into the shower. After taking a bath, you walked  towards the kitchen to prepair for dinner without saying a single word.

"Love you ok?" He asked, standing behind you. You just nodded and continued chopping the vegetables without looking at him.

"I know something's wrong," he added.

He placed his hands on both of your shoulder and gently turned you arround to face him. You kept looking at the floor.

"Come on tell me, I'm listening," he placed his two fingers on your chin and lifted your face up, forcing you to look into his eyes. He stared at you, eyes filled with worries, waiting for you to talk.

"I failed my math test," you mumbled, tears falling down your cheeks. He didn't respond but pulled you in a tight and warm hug.

"It's only a test, please don't cry," he whispered to you ears. "I hate it when your cry."

"B-but I-"

"It's ok, score's just a number. It will never reflect your whole life," he said, drawing circles on your back. "Let's watch some movies after dinner?"

You pulled from the hug to look at him. He wiped your tears off your cheeks.

"Thank you," you expressed. "What should I do without you."

"I will always be here with you to wipe your tears off. Well, I will do my best to keep you from crying," those words made you smile. You leaned in to give him a kiss. A kiss that proves how much you love him.

It's such a great feeling to have a boyfriend like that. You don't know how to put into words the feeling of  being so lucky for having him in your life.

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