Crush - You were abused

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If you feel uncomfortable about the topic of abuse, PLEASE don't read this.

Title's so long: He finds out you were abused by your father.


Your pov,

"Y/nnnnn... let's watch some movies," my eyes widen when I saw his text. "Sorry, I need to finished this assignment," I lied.

As I sent the text I stood up from the bed and walked towards the mirror. I pulled my t-shirt up and a sigh came from my mouth. There were bruises all over my body.

I hate it when I needed to wear long sleeves and jeans, enduring the hot temperature just to cover the swelling and blackening of my arms,legs, and stomach. I hate it when I hide in my apartment rather than spending time with my best friend, y/c/n.

My phone goes off so I walked and get it on my bed. "But I was already in front of your apartment. Come on, open the door for me," I gasp as I read the message.

"Sh*t," I cursed. I sprinted to change to sweaters.

After changing, I opened the door and saw the love of my life. He smiled at me and I smiled back. Like duhh who wouldn't love him? I love this boy so much that I can catch the moon and stars for him (cringe🙃).

He went inside and I closed the door behind him. He sat on the couch and I stood in front of him.

"I'm busy y/c/n," I whined. "But it's Saturday, you can do it the other time and relax a bit," he said taking out the food he brought.

"Please...," I sat beside him, putting the food back in the bag

He looked at me with a straight face.

"What?" I asked confused. "Why are you ignoring me? You've been doing this for a week already," he looked at me, not changing his expression "Me? Ignoring you? Why would I?" I faked laugh to cut the forming tension between us.

He didn't reply.

"I promised after I'm done with my assignment I'll call you so we can watch any movie you like," I said as I tugged his arm pulling him to stand up.

I have no idea that the sleeves of my sweater was going up a little bit, some bruises were visible.

"What are those?" He tried to take my wrist but I quickly hide it on my back. "N-nothing," I stuttered. He tries getting my arm but I refused.

"Let me see," his voice soften. I gave up and show him my arm, he took it very gentle afraid of hurting me. He pulls up the sleeves. His eyes mixed with concern and anger.

"Who did this," he asked still looking on the bruises. "I'm o-" he cuts me off. "Tell me who did this?" "M-my father," I mumbled but louder for him to hear.

"Since when?" He asked. "Since my mother died," I looked down.

I showed him the bruises on my body. I told him everything. How my father goes to my apartment just to keep abusing me, mentally and physically. How he blames me for my mother's death that I couldn't even remember because I was only 5 when the accident happened.

He hugged me and I lay my head on his chest. I let out the tears I holded back for years.  He kept saying "it's ok", "everthing's gonna be alright"," I'm here", as he stroke my hair and hold my hand.

"I love you and I don't like seeing you hurt. I don't want anyone touch my girl. I'll let your father pay. I will never let him get out of this.," he whispered.

"I love you too more than you'll ever know. Please don't do anything. Hurting him won't do any better. "I promise I won't but You're living with me," he said.

I look up at him and kiss him with passion. Atlast I told him what I've been hiding for years, my father's abuse and my love for him. I could say it's a win-win situation.


Sorry for late update. I hope you like it.

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