Crush - He chooses his girlfriend over you (Part 1)

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6 years! 6 fucking years I kept to myself having a crush on my bestfriend. I like the way he teases me over something I done stupid. I like the way he smiles at me whenever he enters the door of my apartment. I love the way he makes me smile everytime i'm feeling down. There are billions of reason. In short, the combination of the alphabet are not enough to describe my love for him.

It was Saturday, my most awaited day of the week. Since we're 9, it became our tradition to have a y/n-y/c/n day. I also decided to confess to him. Whether he accepts me or not. I can't keep it to myself anymore.

"Open the door," he texted me.

I walked towards the door. I opened it and I saw my life smiling at me. "I brought some pizza, chicken, softdrink-" he kept talking. "Save the conversation for later. Don't you want to come in?" I asked him with a giggle. He nodded and walked into the living room and sat there, putting down all the food in the table. I sat next to him.

"Shall I say it now? Or later? If I say it now, he might walk out if not... I don't know," my thoughts are keep debating inside my head. "Are you ok? You seem distracted," he asked looking at me. I turn my face to him, looking at his beautiful eyes. It makes me fall in love by looking at it. "Yea..h yeah I'm fine," I answered carefully not to stutter. "I'll get some cups and plate," "sure".

I went to the kitchen to relax myself. My face must be so red now. My mind and body was shaking. "Ok after the first movie you can do it y/n," I encouraged yourself

I went back to the living room and saw him texting someone. He's smiling, with a little laugh. I sat again next to him but he's too focused on the phone that he doesn't even notice my existence.

"Who's that?" I asked. "Uhm it was my girlfriend. She answered me yesterday and i'm so happy" He said. His eyes was sparkling while saying those words to me. My heart was stabbed into millions of pieces. "You haven't mentioned her before..." I asked trying to be normal. "I want you to meet-" someone knocked on the door.

"I'll go get it. It must be her," he stood up and I can see his excitement. I can't believe my bestfriend invited her in our y/n-y/c/n day? I'm nervous and scared. My emotions are mixed and I don't know how to react.

I saw them walking towards me. His right arm was wrapped around her waist,the way he also holds me whenever we go out to the mall to keep me feel safe.

"Y/n this is Sandra (just a random name if you don't like feel free to change). Sandra this is my bestfriend y/n." He introduced us.

Yeah right I'm just a "bestfriend." I just smiled at her because she seemed like a nice person. I don't hate her but I hate the fact that she's y/c/n's girlfrend and not me.

We sat down on the couch. She was seated in the middle, yeah that's a great seating arrangement. I seated there feeling awkward throughout the movie. They cuddle, kissing slightly, talking cute cringey conversations when I was just a couple of inches beside them.

I just really wish I was Sandra. I regret not confessing to him when I had a chance. This is all my fault. I am the reason of my own sufferings. Tears are forming already on my eyes so I decided to go to the bathroom to release this feeling. "I need to wee," I said but they seemed not to notice.

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