Crush - Under the same stars (Part 2)

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                            's very relaxing.

...Time skip...

"Look at that one," he pointed out," I don't know which star.


"That one look!" he said excitedly. He looks so cute when he jumps like a little kid.

"Ok. So what is its name?"

"That one is Polaris, the northern star."

"Cool," I replied.

"They look so beautiful," y/c/n stated. "Oh look a shooting star!" he shouted again in amusement.

"Let's make a wish," he suggested.

He closed his eyes and muttered something under his breath. it was only for a while but it gave me enough amount of time to stare and admire his facial features.

"What did you wish for?" I asked him.

"I wished to bring me to someone I could watch the stars with for the rest of my life," he smiled. "How about you?"

"I didn't make a wish"

"Why not?"

"I have a wish... which to make the guys I love to like me back."

"Why didn't you do it though?"

"I just, I want him to fall for me without depending on something like the stars so I just wish that he could be happy." 

"Oh, okay, I understand," he nodded.

"Now I have a second wish," "What is it?"

I wished I could be that someone who you could watch the stars with you for the rest of your life.

"I wish that he finds the person he wants to watch the stars with for the rest of his life."

He just realized what I said, judging from the look on his face.

"So... he's me?"

"Look y/c/n, it's probably just a crush. I hope this wouldn't ruin our friendship. I hope it's ok with you?"

"It's not ok." Those words made my heart beats faster. I'm starting to panic.

"W-why?" I stuttered. I could feel my face heating up and my eyes are starting to fill up with tears.

"Y/n, I-I, I guess there's no way to say it."

I stared at him with confusion, tears started to fall down my cheeks.

He  slowly reached my jaw and leaned closer to me. My questions were now answered when he slowly placed his lips with mine. Our lips moved in sync, it was an amazing and passionate kiss I've ever had. Well it was my first time

gently, he snaked his arms around my waist and placed wrapped my arms around his neck. After a couple of seconds, we both pulled out, gasping for air. He leaned his forehead onto mine, smiling.

"I guess my wish was granted," he said.


OMG guys I found this on my old stack of papers when I was sorting it. I wrote this 3 years ago. Hope you like this one because I was a baby back then. thank you for reading this one. love ya'll beauties.

I originally posted this on Tumblr.

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