Chapter three - stalker

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Abigail POV

I tear down and scrambled the paper in my hand. I been constantly receiving a love letter from anonymous sender and I hated it. .

Almost in the letter stated that " your going to be mine someday" eww talking about how obsessed.

"Another letter?" Candice asked me.

"Yup unfortunately! And I wonder how that sender know schedule today! " I said while I plop in my seat.

"What's it's says!?" She asked

"Same thing that I am going to be his and he's going to give me the whole world since I am his world! Urg seriously who the fuck is he?" I said

"Come on let's go to the police station and report this. We need to file complain about this" she said to me.

"Nah! That's the last thing I want to do since I don't want my family to get panicked and I will be summon to go back. I love being free here and be out from them for a while!" I said and I closed my eyes.

"I really don't understand why your behaving like this to your family. You don't need to work your ass for a living, your family is already rich!" She said and I twist my lips because of what she said.

"Hahahaha.. rich my butt! My mom and dad were I only seen for my entirely life once every month since I was young? All of their attention is focus on how to be grow the business and be rich. " I said just the thought of my childhood makes me want to cry.

My family owns a law firm, both of them are well prestigious lawyer. I have only one sister, I am older of her for two years. She's exactly opposite of mine since she partied a lot, drink or even smoke pot! Which all the things I hate to do. I can understand why she's like that imagine your parents who doesn't have time for you? I vaguely remember them spending a week to two to us. The longest they spend was during Christmas but of course they want us to go parties with them. Mingling those businessman people.

" So what? At least you all have things that others don't have. See those models whose up for extra work? Means they need money! And you? You don't need to work your butt just like that!" She said while scowling in front of me.

"Money can't buy true happiness Candice, believe me! And those model? I mean I don't want to judge all of them but some of those working in extra time just want fame, money and luxury life! I mean getting paid for being a model is enough for a living ok? Because they partied a lot and buy those luxury items which I don't have! " I explained to her.

"Clearly your really different from those girls. No wonder boys flanking at you! Haizt what I don't understand is that you don't even attracted to any of them? See that's why you have a stalker! Maybe you should try to have a boyfriend and that's stalker of yours will leave you alone! How about that?" Candice ranting some redicolous ideas once again and I rolled my eyes in response.

"Nope! " I said then the make up artist barge in the door calling me for my turn to glam.

After that, I went to the area of the shoot and began to do my work. When the photographer shout "that's a wrap guy's!" I let out a big sigh. Thank God I am over and I wanted to exited myself as soon as possible.

"Hey! " A guy whose approaching me and smile to me. A kind of smile like you seen in toothpaste commercial.

"Hi!" I said in response but without enthusiasms.

"Would you like to go out after this? There's a new cafe near here and they have lots of yummy treats serving there! " He said while he smile to me.

"Dylan right?" I asked him

"Yup,! Sorry I forgot to introduce myself. I must be nervous as hell right now!" He said while laughing nervously to me. I can visibly see how he gulp nervously while looking at me.

"Well as for your offer, I don't think I can take it! I don't usually trust stranger easily!" I said to him. All I wanted is that he get it immediately that I am not interested in any kinds.

"You can bring your manager with you! And please I'm Dylan Jones! And you are Abigail Lawrence right?"

"Yup that she is! And yes she will come with you and of course with me right? Where both packages!" My manager butted in without me knowing. I glared at her and she glared back.

"Good I'm going to wait for you in the entrance of the building!" He said while scratching his neck.

"Ok bye Dylan see you!" Candice said to him and I want to kill my manager for this.

"How could you?" I said to her.

"Come on his inviting you to hang out in the cafe not having sex ok? So come on let's go and clean yourself!"

"Candice last thing I want to do is going out with a guy who I barely know!" I said in protest.

"Come on, loose a little ok? Anyway I am going to be there so it's makes three of us! Though I feel like I'm third wheeling but as long as I see you going out that's ok!" She said then drag me to the dressing room .

So much for wanting a peaceful life. Here I am being tortured by my own manager. Why can't she get the fact that I am not interested in relationship as of now.

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