Chapter 1 | You Brought Me To A Club?

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Note: This story of mine has only been posted on Wattpad. If you are reading this on any other site or app, my work has been STOLEN.

I looked up at the massive dark building in front of me, the bustling crowd around me causing my ears to ring as I shook my head.

"You brought me to a club?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at Gia who stood next to me, her long blonde hair blowing in the wind.

Gia rolled her eyes, flattening down her sparkly royal blue dress as she grabbed my hand. "Oh, come on, it's my birthday! You said we could go wherever I wanted!"

"Yeah, I was thinking more of a fancy dinner or something." I laughed, tucking my wavy brunette hair behind my ear.

"Please," giggled Gia, "why do you think I forced you to wear that dress? Black is definitely your colour by the way."

I rolled my eyes, crossing my arms over my chest, forcing my breasts to rise up, almost spilling over the cups.

Gia nodded towards my chest, shaking her head. "Better be careful there, you don't want to end up flashing anyone...yet."

I laughed, following Gia into the club, the booming sound of the music giving me the sensation that my heart was beating in my throat, making me swallow a few times in an attempt to adjust.

The club was packed full of people dancing, drinking, talking and kissing, and the temperature was already causing me to break out into a sweat.

"Drinks!" yelled Gia over the music, yanking me over to the bar where we took a seat, a few muscular men eyeing us up, sending me a wink.

"Six shots of tequila each please," yelled Gia to the bartender, who nodded politely.

My head snapped to Gia, my eyes wide. "You're crazy! No way!"

"You only turn twenty one once Clara!" she cheered, waving her hands up in the air. "Plus, you didn't even celebrate yours, so we are partying enough for the both of us tonight!"

Gia handed me a shot, nodding at me, waiting. I huffed, tilting my head back, bringing the small glass to my mouth and allowing the battery acid-like substance to slide down my throat, causing me to wince.

Gia did the same, sticking her tongue out and gagging. "That is so disgusting!"

"Well, we've ordered them now so we have to finish them," I announced, taking another glass to my mouth and shotting it, bouncing my leg vigorously in an attempt to distract myself from the foul taste.

"That's the spirit!" squealed Gia, taking two more shots and doing them one after the other, her eyes slightly watery.

After shotting the rest of the tequila, Gia gazed at me, her eyes glazed over, and I could tell she was starting to feel the effects of the alcohol.

"Want to dance?" I asked, causing Gia to nod encouragingly.

We made our way over to the dance floor, the alcohol  already making it a little harder to walk. I squeezed past people, ducking down so I could fit between the small spaces between the couples dancing and kissing.

I ran my hands through my hair, moving to the beat, the alcohol allowing me to let loose and feel carefree. Gia laughed, spinning around and wiggling her hips, catching the attention of more than one guy.

The beat of the music seemed to create adrenaline within me, soaring through my body as I danced, my head becoming fuzzier by the second.

My eyes met Gia's who winked at me as she grinded on some guy, his large hands holding her hips, pushing her harder against him as he moved to the beat.

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