Chapter 36 | What Are You Hiding?

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"How long is he going to be?" I asked my Father as I waited in the living room for Jared, who was taking the longest shower of his life.

"Probably a while," sighed my Father, shaking his head.

After Dylan's refusal to talk to me earlier, I had convinced Dean to escort me back to my pack. I really needed to see Jared, but he had been hiding away in his room since the party, refusing to speak to anyone.

"I'm going to go and visit Dylan at the training grounds, please text me when Jared's finished," I sighed as I exited the house, making my way down to the training grounds to see my mate. I knew he would be in the middle of a training session, but I hated the fact that he wasn't speaking to me.

I thought, as mates, Dylan would want to share his stories with me and open up to me, but I knew he found it hard.

What did he want to hide from me?

As I rounded the corner, I caught sight of my shirtless mate performing push ups on the ground with the rest of the fighters, his back muscles flexing, causing my arousal to grow.

I pushed it away, knowing now was not the time, and waited on the side line with a few other females who were enjoying the show, which bothered me slightly.

Dylan stood up, furrowing his brows before his gaze landed on mine, and he sighed, shaking his head. "Take five."

Making his way over to me, he gently took me by the arm, taking me further away from everyone, before possessively pressing his lips to mine, his hands wrapped around my waist, crushing me to him.

I moaned into the kiss, completely forgetting that I was currently angry at him, the tingles dancing across my skin. I pulled away, breathing heavily, gazing up at my mate with furrowed brows, shaking my head.

"What was that for?" I questioned, feeling puzzled.

"It was because I love you," replied my mate, pressing a soft kiss to my forehead before attempting to make his way back to the fighters, causing me to growl, tugging him back to me with force.

"Oh no, Dylan, you are not using that as a distraction right now. I came to speak to you about earlier."

Dylan ran his hand down his face, sighing. "Can't it wait? I'm sort of in the middle of something right now."

I huffed, folding my arms across my chest. "Why can't you just tell me?"

"Clara, I..."

I gazed up at my mate, my eyes sad as I watched him drag his bottom lip into his mouth.

"I understand you find it hard to open up, but I just wanted to know why I should trust Dean. It's hard to know what his true intentions are after seeing how you both act around each other."

Dylan nodded, shushing me gently, kissing the top of my head. "I'm sorry, let me finish this training session and I will speak to you about it after, okay?"

I pulled away, nodding, causing Dylan to smile at me, stroking my cheek with the pad of his thumb. "I'll see you after."

I watched as my mate made his way back over to the fighters, who were all messing around boxing each other, which caused Dylan to growl lowly, ushering them all back in line. Turning, I decided to take a slow walk back to my house, just needing to curl up in a ball and relax.

However, as I turned the corner, I bumped into a large chest, almost flying backwards, a pair of muscly arms steadying me.

"Clara, watch where you're-"

I looked up to see Dean studying me with raised eyebrows, his mouth set in a firm line.

"What happened?" he demanded.

"Nothing," I mumbled, wiping at my tear stained cheeks.

"Hmm, well it doesn't look like nothing," he replied, cocking his head to the side, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Dylan and I-"

"What did that dick do now?" asked Dean, narrowing his eyes at me.

"Dean, it's fine. I just sometimes feel like he doesn't open up to me."

Dean nodded in understanding, sighing. "He's not much of a talker."

"You two looked like you were so close," I mumbled to myself without realising, my eyes widening, not wanting to stir the pot anymore than it already was.

"We were, but not anymore," replied Dean, his eyes holding remorse for a split second, before he quickly recovered, shaking it off, his usual smirk making its way up onto his lips.

"I should get home," I mumbled, avoiding eye contact, walking away from Dean who was watching me with furrowed brows, his face masked with slight worry.

I sighed, mumbling to myself as I made my way home, just wanting to fall asleep and escape reality.

Pushing the door open, I jumped as I noticed Jared waiting by the front door, offering me a sad smile. I ran forward, engulfing him in a hug, wrapping my arms around his neck, squeezing him as hard as I could.

"Are you okay?" I asked, sniffing slightly.

Jared sighed, pulling back from the hug, gazing at me with glazy eyes, and I could tell by the dark circles under his eyes that had got little to no sleep the past couple of nights.

"Jared, you look awful," I said, causing him to chuckle slightly.

"Well, I also feel awful."

I shook my head, growling lowly in my chest. "She's an idiot Jared. She's so stupid for not seeing how amazing you are and I am telling you now that anyone would be lucky to have you."

"I don't want just anyone though, Clara. I want her," murmured my brother, causing me to tense my jaw, grinding my teeth.

Amelia didn't deserve my brother as her mate. She was so incredibly lucky to have such a kind soul as a partner, but she threw it away, all for a sloppy drunken kiss.

"Why do I still want her after what she did? I should hate her, but I can't," whispered Jared, a tear dribbling down his cheek.

"I know, I know," I soothed, engulfing my brother in another hug. "You deserve so much more, Jared."

If only Dean hadn't showed up that night, then maybe, Amelia would have come around and spoken to Jared. Maybe, she then would have realised how great he was, and how he wasn't like other guys. Amelia just needed to see what was right there in front of her.

"How do I get her back?"

I sighed, shaking my head, not knowing how to answer Jared's question. However, just as I was about to open my mouth to reply, my phone rang, and I groaned, pulling it out of my pocket and holding it to my ear. "Hello? Dylan?"

"Clara, where did you go? I'm ready to talk."


I hope you enjoyed this chapter even though it was a bit of a filler!

What do you think of Dean?

Do you think Jared should go back to Amelia, or move on with his life?

Lots of love xxx

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