Chapter 50 | Pour Your Heart Out

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It had been over two weeks since Salah had broken the bond for Jared, and he was honestly doing so much better. It was as if he had found himself again. He woke up smiling, and was socialising a lot more than he was before.

I had told him everything about our Mother, once I was certain that he was doing a little better, and how she had been the one to contact Dylan so he could save us. He took it well, being a little shocked at first, but admitted he still hated her, and he was ready to move on from everyone who had wronged him.

Dylan had continued to train him privately, and they had had three sessions already. He was learning a lot, and was always super excited to get home and tell me everything that Dylan has shown him.

I was currently in Dylan and I's bedroom, putting on a little bit of makeup, after Dylan had told me to go and get ready, and I had butterflies in my stomach, wondering what it could be.

"He didn't tell you anything?" asked Gia, plaiting my long chestnut hair for me, securing it tightly.

"Nope," I said, applying a thin layer of blush to my cheeks, smiling at the finished product. "He just told me to dress up nicely and be done by three."

"Ugh, I want a man. I'm so bored of these assholes I end up meeting," moaned my best friend, causing me to laugh.

"Your mate is out there somewhere, Gia."

"Well, he needs to hurry up and find me before I start losing this dramatic libido of mine," she said, swinging her ponytail over  her shoulder.

"You've got Matthew," I chuckled, rolling my eyes.

"I'm not even sure he remembers us hooking up. I'm too scared to ask," she muttered, raising an eyebrow, smiling.

"He's doing so much better though," I replied, checking myself out in the mirror, flattening down my black and white plaid dress, pulling up my tights.

"He is," agreed Gia. "Did you ever speak to him about why he followed Alpha Paul's orders?"

I nodded, sighing. "Yes. He said he remembers Alpha Paul telling them all that Dylan was planning an attack to take over our pack, and kill them all because he saw them as weak. He said it's still hazy, but he thought he was protecting the pack and me. Paul was telling people that Dylan was abusive, so I guess they thought they were doing the right thing."

"Oh my god, thank the Moon Goddess he's gone!"

I nodded, pushing the thought of my old Alpha to the back of my mind. "Shit! It's three o'clock! I have to go!"

Running down the stairs, taking two at a time, I was careful not to slip, but I skidded got a stop when I saw Dean and Matthew standing at the front door, both dressed in shirts and smart pants, causing me to raise an eyebrow.

"What are you two doing here?" I questioned, laughing as Dean held his hand out for me.

"May we escort you, Miss Mason?"

"You may, would you care to tell me where you are both taking me?" I teased, laughing.

"I'm afraid that is classified information, sweetheart," he replied and I smiled as I linked arms with both boys, waving at Gia behind me as she blew me a kiss.

"I appreciate you both making an effort," I chuckled, looking at Dean and Matthew's matching smart pink shirts, the sleeves rolled up, showing off their muscular forearms.

"We're just following orders," said Matthew, flashing his teeth at me.

Anxiety started to flow throughout my veins, making me feel jittery, as if I couldn't keep still. We turned the corner towards the forest, and the boys sped up their pace, gently pulling me along with them as I gazed around, feeling unsure as to where we were heading.

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