Chapter 12 | Running In The Rain

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After an hour or so of sitting by the lake with Dylan, we decided it was time to head back. With our hands laced together, we strolled away from the lake, lacing down the winding path slowly, enjoying the feeling of our close proximity.

My wolf was howling with joy, happy that we had finally kissed our mate. However, all she wanted now was more, causing arousal to bubble throughout me before slowly pushing it back down, not wanting Dylan to catch on.

"Did Alpha Paul say where he was going? It's not like him to leave," I asked.

Dylan shrugged. "He said it was something to do with his deceased mate."

My eyes widened and I nodded. "Of course, it was around this time that his mate was killed. He probably wants to be alone."

"You said she was killed out on a run?" questioned Dylan.

I nodded, sighing. "Yeah, I was just a kid so I don't really remember her. All I know is her and Alpha Paul went out for a quick run, and it didn't go well."

"Do you wish you had a Luna?"

I nodded, smiling. "It would have been nice to have a female figure to look up to, especially since I don't have a Mother."

"She's a fool for leaving. Anyone would be lucky to have you as a daughter," said Dylan quietly, gazing into my emerald green eyes.

I smiled up at my mate, a blush rising to my cheeks. "Thank you."

After a few minutes of silence, I cleared my throat awkwardly, looking over at Dylan. "When we first met at the club, your friend said you don't do mates. What did he mean?"

Dylan sighed, his mouth set in a firm line as he avoided eye contact with me. "A mate was just never something I longed for. After seeing my Mother struggle after my Father died, I didn't want to feel that. I didn't want a mate to weaken me, and take my concentration away from running the pack."

"Oh," I mumbled, my heart palpitating at Dylan's harsh words.

"It's different than I thought though," continued Dylan. "I thought I would be able to just ignore my mate, but the thing is, I don't want to. I want to care, and I can't help but feel drawn to you. After the day I met you, I haven't even looked at another female, nor have I wanted to. My wolf goes crazy every time I think about you."

I swallowed, batting my long eyelashes as I looked up at my mate, chewing on my plump bottom lip. Suddenly, Dylan gently pushed me back, cupping my cheeks and bringing his lips to mine.

My back hit the tree behind me as I wrapped my arms around his neck, dragging him closer to me. I moved my lips passionately against his, sighing deeply into the kiss, my wolf going crazy inside of me.

Eventually, Dylan pulled away, panting for breath as he ran his hands through his tousled hair, his lips red and plump from the kiss.

I laughed to myself, smiling as Dylan grabbed my hand again, leading me back onto the path. I knew he could smell my arousal, and I found myself slightly embarrassed, knowing it felt a little too soon for all of that.

As we emerged from the trees, the sun above us disappeared, and was smothered with smoky grey clouds. The crisp wind whistled through the atmosphere, giving the pack grounds a gloomy and morose look. Rain started to pour down, drenching us from head to toe, causing me to shake, my bones feeling chilled.

"Run!" laughed Dylan as he pulled me along with him, splashing through puddles, our shoes sopping wet. Raindrops ran down my face, refreshing me, causing my eyelashes to clump together, my hair now dripping and stringy.

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